Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 63:51:50
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Artisan Angela shares weekly lessons from Self Coaching Scholars Class through The Life Coach School


  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 017, Making decisions and honoring commitments

    25/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    Why don't we honor our decisions when it comes to our personal habits, like deciding to stop over-drinking or overeating? I'm telling you why and HOW you can start honoring your decisions in the areas of your life that haven't been so easy to honor.Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking below:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 016, Abundance, Stopping Over-drinking vs. Stopping Drinking, and My New Program

    18/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    Want 'more' in your life? Tune in and listen to how I talk about having an abundance mindset and how to you can create more of what you want by thinking abundant thoughts. Also, I explain why I coach and teach how to stop over-drinking versus stopping drinking altogether. And, I announce my new 8-week private coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking the link below:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 015, Reflections on my 40th Year

    10/04/2019 Duração: 23min

    You must listen to me reflect on how I made my 40th birthday year the best one of my life. I included how you can have the next 365 days be your best as well!Link to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 014, The Cost of Avoiding Discomfort

    03/04/2019 Duração: 13min

    Humans don't like to be uncomfortable. We avoid it like the plague. The first glimpse of discomfort, we run in the other direction. Avoiding pain helped us evolve as a species, it kept us safe and alive. But now, when we avoid being uncomfortable it keeps us stuck and doesn't allow us to move forward towards our goals. Tune in and hear how avoiding discomfort is costing you more than you realize. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking below:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 013, Your Beliefs

    27/03/2019 Duração: 14min

    We are taught how to believe when we were kids by our parents and as we age we've adopted new beliefs from society, work, and our peers. These beliefs are often focused around how we should work, what kind of parents we should be, what we believe about money, or often how other people should behave. We have beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities.What are YOUR beliefs? We must understand our current beliefs if we want to evolve to the next best version of our selves. Once you understand them, you might decide those beliefs don't serve you in the person you want to become.Tune in and listen to how you can create new beliefs to get the exact results you want in your life.Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation HERE:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 012, Generating Power with Dr. Michelle Morkert

    21/03/2019 Duração: 38min

    Did you know that you no one can 'give' you power? Power is a feeling, you get to experience based on what you are thinking about any given situation. Often we feel 'powerless' when it comes to alcohol or food or our positions at work, in society as women, in politics, and when there are horrible tragedies in the world. We might think we can't control 'them.' We might think there is 'nothing we can do,' when there is a mass shooting or someone gets elected into a government position.  Sometimes we get so upset and enraged about a circumstance, we feel riled up to do something about it, but it causes us a lot of pain and we want to fight for justice. I'm inviting you to come and learn how to generate your own power by listening to an interview I did with Dr. Michelle Morkert. Dr. Morkert is a Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Fulbright Scholar through the U.S. State Department.  It's a good one. Grab your coffee and your earphones, press play, and get your power on.Schedule your FRE

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 011, Pressing the Easy Button

    14/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Pressing the easy button might not be the best way to lasting change, tune in and listen to how I choose the harder, longer way instead of the easier faster way.Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation by clicking HERE:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living Podcast, Episode 010, People Pleasers

    06/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Calling all PEOPLE PLEASERS!! Have you ever wondered why you are a people pleaser, beyond that you like to make people happy? Tune in and learn why people pleasers put other people first and how you can shift to making sure you are taking care of yourself too.Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation here:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 009, Learning to yell less leads to drinking less

    27/02/2019 Duração: 11min

    If you can learn how to yell at your kids or even your spouse less, you can learn to drink less. It's all the same process. You have thoughts about the kids that generate some intense emotions, like anger, and that leads to you yelling. Tune into this weeks episode and I explain how learning to yell less leads to drinking less. **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 008, Up-Level Your Love

    20/02/2019 Duração: 22min

    Love is one of the most amazing feelings humans can experience. In this episode I teach you how you can go deeper with your love. LOVE is a feeling you get to experience that is generated from your THOUGHTS about the other person on yourself. Your feeling of LOVE is yours, it can't be given away and the other person can't feel your love. LOVE begets LOVE.  **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 007, Not drinking is easy if you don’t want to.

    13/02/2019 Duração: 12min

    Think about smoking cigarettes or doing heroin. If you don't do these things, you don't want them right? You don't think about cigarettes or heroin ever. You don't battle with yourself if you will do them or plan to do them or say you'll only have one and then end up smoking a pack. You just don't want them so you don't think about them.It's the same thing with alcohol, if you don't want it, it's easy to not drink alcohol. My core teachings as a coach who helps women reduce their desire to drink wine is all about helping you NOT WANT IT. When you don't want it, not drinking is easy.  Listen up! **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 006, How to Feel

    05/02/2019 Duração: 16min

    We aren’t taught how to feel our emotions as kids OR adults.  This is a disservice to our society.  Humans are motivated to do everything in our lives based on how we are feeling, don't want to feel or wish to feel. Learning how to feel is critical for our evolvement and personal growth.  **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 005, How to program your brain to stop over-drinking

    30/01/2019 Duração: 14min

    You can program your brain to get the EXACT results you want, just like a computer system, but it's easier. NO coding necessary. Just the ability to have a thought.  **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 004, Why most diets fail

    23/01/2019 Duração: 13min

    Did you know that most people who want to make significant changes in their lives like losing weight and learning how to stop drinking so much fail? They have success in the beginning but then slowly lose steam and fall back into old habits. There are varying statistics online stating the percentage of people who lose weight gain it back hovers around the 80-90% range! What?! I’m about to tell you why.. you ready. Got your coffee? Press play now! **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 003, Seeking Changes

    17/01/2019 Duração: 12min

     This week I’m talking about changing. Why do we want to change things in our lives?  When we look at human beings as a species we sometimes don’t understand why we do what we do. Tune in and learn what drives us to make changes and take any action in our lives.Have you reviewed me on iTunes yet? Why not! Get over there on leave me a 5 star review. xooxAlso, check out this amazing video that I just released by clicking here. **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 02, Why We Over-drink

    10/01/2019 Duração: 16min

    Have you ever wondered why you over-drink? I'm telling you exactly why today. Society plays a big role in our over-drinking culture and so does our brain. Good news, there is nothing wrong with you. Will you take 5-minutes and review my podcast on iTunes? If you enjoy listening to it and have applied what I teach to your own life and have gotten good results, please take 5 minutes and go over to iTunes and leave a review.  Open up your podcast app on your phoneSearch for Stop Over-drinking and Start Living Tap on my podcast artworkcroll down until you see Ratings & ReviewTap the 5th star to rate as 5 starsScroll down just a little bit more and tap on 'Write a Review'Write me an amazing review and click 'submit' That's it, it takes less than 5 minutes and means the world to me, plus it helps get my podcast in front of other women who are looking for help to stop over-drinking and don't want to go the traditional route. Thank you! **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living co

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 01, The Power of our Thoughts

    03/01/2019 Duração: 11min

    Welcome to 2019! Another new thing for 2019, is I changed the name of my podcast toStop Over-drinking and Start Living! In 2018 I was sharing how I applied all the self-coaching techniques to make my life better and as I move into growing my business and coaching working moms who want to stop over-drinking, it makes sense to have a podcast that supports those efforts. So to start out 2019 as if we were all starting and learning the basics of what I teach, I decided to dedicate this first podcast episode to what we are thinking. I want to teach you the power of our thoughts.  Once you can get a grasp on how your thoughts create your current results, you can start changing them to get the results you actually WANT. **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

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