Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 169:10:30
  • Mais informações



Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue (NAMS) is a growing and vibrant Messianic Jewish congregation in Macon, Georgia, serving all of the Middle Georgia area. Our congregation is a diverse community, comprised of families from many nations, tribes, and tongues (Revelation 7:9). Therefore, obviously, many are not from a Jewish background. And while we are a Jewish synagogue, committed to the Jewish traditions, teachings, and lifestyle exemplified by our ancestors, our vision is to practice an inclusive Messianic Judaism for All Nations; a restoration of the faith of the earliest communities of Yeshua-followers; a window into the Judaism of the Messianic Era in which King Messiah will reign.


  • Nothing New Under The Sun - Part 1

    28/10/2020 Duração: 32min

    Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." But is this true? Aren't we challenged with unique situations in our generation that previous generations were not faced with? In a time charged with political and social unrest, truth and comfort can still be found in the Torah and in the teachings of Yeshua. Join Rabbi Damian as he explains how to listen to their common voice of truth.

  • Lost And Found

    21/10/2020 Duração: 37min

    Have you ever been lost and desperate to find your way back home? There are so many lost souls in this world and Hashem longs for their return. But it's up to us to help them find their way home. Travis Fisher was one of those lost souls — until he had a radical, life-changing experience with Yeshua. His honest, hard-hitting, no-frills testimony has touched many lives. Yours could be one of them.

  • Shemini On The Mountain

    16/10/2020 Duração: 24min

    What is Shemini Atzeret? What's so special about this holiday that the Torah establishes at the end of the Festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles)? How is it the perfect conclusion to the Fall Festivals? Join Rabbi Damian as he looks into this seemingly obscure holiday to reveal a very intimate connection to our Heavenly Father and His love for us.

  • The Recognition Of Responsibility

    02/10/2020 Duração: 27min

    When we pray, what do we pray for? Most of the time it's about our own needs. Sure, we pray for others, but do we really have their well-being in mind as the pinnacle of our desire? Are we focused on what we need disproportionately to what others need? The world is crumbling around us and it is our responsibility as both disciples of Yeshua and upholders of Torah to impact this world for the good. In this special message prepared for Shabbat Shuvah (the Sabbath of Turning), Rabbi Damian calls us to a higher level of responsibility as disciples of our Master. Will you accept the challenge?

  • Don't Blow This

    23/09/2020 Duração: 24min

    On Rosh Hashanah we blow the shofar (ram's horn) as a remembrance according to Leviticus 23:24. But what are we supposed to remember? There are many ideas of what we are supposed to be remembering, but did we forget what Hashem wants us to remember most? Join Rabbi Damian on this thought-provoking and soul-searching take on the traditional understanding of Rosh Hashanah and the sounding of the shofar.

  • Hit Return

    16/09/2020 Duração: 26min

    Symbols are created to invoke a connection between people and a concept. Although they were created with specific ideals in mind, both the American flag and the Israeli flag evoke a wide variety of emotions, from love to hate, in people across the world. There are many biblical symbols, such as matzah and the chanukkiah, that represent various concepts that teach us something. But there is one symbol that can awaken our hearts and turn our past failures into assets. What is it? Join Rabbi Damian to find out in this timely message for our days.

  • Thou Shalt Not Resurrect

    11/09/2020 Duração: 31min

    The Torah commands, "Thou Shalt Not Murder" as one of the "Big Ten." Andy Stanley says this commandment has no bearing in the life of a disciple of Yeshua. And although Rabbi Damian takes issue with his position on this, he believes we should actually break this commandment when necessary. Are you confused yet? Join Rabbi Damian for this persuading call to drastic action against an ancient foe.

  • "Y" Do We Sin?

    01/09/2020 Duração: 48min

    Why do we sin? As regenerated disciples of Yeshua, why do we still struggle with sin? Shouldn't we be over that aspect of our lives? Does the devil make us do it? Or is there something else going on that we need to be aware of in order to begin conquering sin in our lives? Why do we confess our sins leading up to and during the High Holidays? Isn't Yeshua's sacrifice sufficient? Join Rabbi Damian as he dives into the Hebrew of the Shema to reveal the tactics of our enemy and gives us tools to be overcomers in our struggle with sin. This is a message you won't want to miss!

  • Lean In

    24/08/2020 Duração: 33min

    "Lean in! You just gotta lean in!" Are you tired of hearing people say that? Let's be honest: sometimes we just don't want to make the effort and we don't want to be pushed in our spiritual walk. We're fine just the way we are. But this is a dangerous place to remain. This is why the shofar is sounded every day of the Hebrew month of Elul — to awaken our slumbering souls. God always has something better for us, but He won't fight us. It's our responsibility to draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us and do amazing things in our life. It's time to "lean in" move to a better and more intimate relationship with our Creator.

  • God And…

    20/08/2020 Duração: 25min

    In Deuteronomy 11:26, God tells the Children of Israel, "See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse." Shouldn't it be "a blessing OR a curse"? How can they both be tied to one another? Is God a god of justice or is He a god of mercy? Are all of the curses stripped away from believers in Yeshua, or do we still have to make right choices to avoid the curses and receive the promised blessings? Is it an "either-or" situation or, is God the god of "and"? Join Rabbi Damian as he helps us navigate these delicate waters to view God's grace and our responsibility with transparency. Watch on YouTube:

  • Mighty To Save

    12/08/2020 Duração: 27min

    Was the contemporary Christian worship song, "Mighty To Save" written by Messianics? Probably not, but it almost seems so based on the theme of this wildly popular worship song. The Amidah is the prayer most central to Judaism, prayed at least three times daily. The lyrics of Mighty To Save seem to echo the cry of one of the section of the Amidah that speaks of God's might being displayed in His ability to resurrect the dead, and quite possibly the resurrection of Yeshua. Join Rabbi Damian as he explores one of the most foundational concepts of our faith: the hope of resurrection in Messiah Yeshua.

  • What Do You See?

    05/08/2020 Duração: 24min

    In these “uncertain times” is your glass half empty or half full? What do you see when you look around? Fear? Dread? Hopelessness? The media knows that fear sells and right now it is flying off the shelves. Is there ANYTHING good in the world right now? Join Rabbi Damian for this message of hope as he challenges us to look beyond what we see with our eyes to what Hashem sees. It's better than what we've been told.

  • Changing World, Unchanging Word

    05/08/2020 Duração: 27min

    What book did Yeshua quote from more than any other? Deuteronomy, a book whose name means, "Second Law." Most people don't want the original laws, much less a book that repeats them and adds to them. Why was Yeshua so in love with this book? Did he quote this book to show that he was doing away with the rules of the Torah and replacing them with the single commandment of love? Join Rabbi Damian as he affirms a central value of Messianic Judaism that all of Yeshua's followers should defend: The Torah is eternally applicable and the source of all New Testament truth.

  • Sticks And Stones

    22/07/2020 Duração: 20min

    We all know the saying about sticks and stones and unkind words. We also know the true power of words and how they bring a new reality into existence with them. Harsh and hateful words really do hurt and sometimes they hurt more than physical pain. But what can destroy a heart more than hateful words and do we even realize we are saying them? Join Rabbi Damian as he reveals a painful truth about the words we speak hidden within the story of Balaam and how we can use our words for the good.

  • The Forgotten Language

    14/07/2020 Duração: 27min

    Human beings were created with the need to communicate. We all have some innate longing within us to convey our thoughts and feelings, albeit some more than others. We all have a native tongue, a native language. But it may not be the language you think. What language is this Forgotten Language? Join Darren Huckey as he takes us on a journey of exploration, using the Torah, the words of Yeshua, Paul, and the Jewish sages to arrive at an unexpected destination of discovering the Forgotten Language.

  • That Ginger Heifer And Her Meddlin'

    07/07/2020 Duração: 30min

    One of the most confusing and supra-rational commands in the Torah is regarding the ashes of the Red Heifer. How do the ashes of a cow mixed with water purify from ritual contamination? Is contracting ritual purity sin? Why do the people involved in slaughtering the cow, burning its ashes, or sprinkling them onto a ritually impure person in order to purity them become impure themselves? And what lesson can we learn from all of this in relation to community? John Lance Slater as he brings new insights into this perplexing Torah portion. Watch on YouTube:

  • Moons, Mayhem, And Messiah

    30/06/2020 Duração: 22min

    What's the big deal about the new moon? Why the Scriptures have so much to say about it? Yes, the biblical calendar is set by the new moon, but that doesn't seem to have any practical bearing on us today. Or does it? We just entered the Hebrew month of Tammuz. What is significant about it and how should it help us find hope in this dark hour? Join Rabbi Damian for this inspiring message as he shows how the biblical calendar ties into the seasons of life and how we can find hope through Yeshua in the most difficult times. Watch on YouTube:

  • The Need To Lead

    25/06/2020 Duração: 31min

    When asked why Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land, most people will respond that it was because he struck the rock in disobedience to Hashem's instructions. But could there be a deeper, more critical reason he was disciplined so severely, and could that same issue be the thorn in the flesh of leaders today? How can we avoid facing similar consequences and what can be done to help resolve the global unrest that currently divides the "civilized" world? Join Rabbi Damian as he cuts to the heart of the matter with a desperate call for leaders to do what they are called to do in this time of crisis: to lead with boldness. Watch on YouTube:

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers

    16/06/2020 Duração: 26min

    We live in a time of tension and civil unrest. We live in an issue-driven society, where our world is becoming increasingly more polarized. Today issues have become more important than people and being right more than being kind. We are quick to assume, quick to judge, and quick to react. In a world where there seems to be no peace, how are we supposed to find peace and hope? Can we change the world? Maybe or maybe not. But there is one person we can definitely change—ourselves. John Rabbi Damian as he cuts to the heart of the matter and spells out our marching orders as disciples of Yeshua in this honest assessment of the world around us.

  • In God's Camp

    08/06/2020 Duração: 30min

    In Leviticus, we learned about the laws of ritual impurity, but suddenly they have appeared again in the book of Numbers. Why do the topics of tzara'at (biblical leprosy), zav (emissions), and corpse contamination enter the picture again at the end of the section describing Israel's encampment? Even more interesting is how Ezekiel's vision of the angelic host helps us to unlock this mystery. Join Rabbi Damian as he pulls from the tribal encampments, Ezekiel's vision, and the function of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) to help us understand our purpose in the world and how to accomplish it with excellence. You won't want to miss this intriguing and meaningful message! Now live streaming on YouTube! Be sure to click “subscribe” button on the “Shalom Macon Live” YouTube page. Then you can return to the same link each week to watch the weekly teaching. Links to the slides referenced in the teaching: https://www.dro

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