Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 169:10:30
  • Mais informações



Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue (NAMS) is a growing and vibrant Messianic Jewish congregation in Macon, Georgia, serving all of the Middle Georgia area. Our congregation is a diverse community, comprised of families from many nations, tribes, and tongues (Revelation 7:9). Therefore, obviously, many are not from a Jewish background. And while we are a Jewish synagogue, committed to the Jewish traditions, teachings, and lifestyle exemplified by our ancestors, our vision is to practice an inclusive Messianic Judaism for All Nations; a restoration of the faith of the earliest communities of Yeshua-followers; a window into the Judaism of the Messianic Era in which King Messiah will reign.


  • Do Hard Things

    01/06/2020 Duração: 39min

    On Shavuot (Pentecost) the book of Ruth is read. The story of Ruth gives us examples of several people who had an opportunity to do something that was rewarding, but difficult. What were the results of those who chose the more difficult path versus those who chose the easy path? How can their example help us in our decisions today to draw closer to God and what He desires from us? Join Rabbi Damian as he takes us on the road less traveled to uncover hidden rewards and arrive at an amazing destination.

  • It Just Makes Census

    25/05/2020 Duração: 39min

    The first few chapters of the book of Numbers are probably not on many people's favorite reading lists. They are primarily concerned with the results of a census God told Moses to take of the Children of Israel. We read a series of names and numbers for several chapters. Why was this a good thing, yet Israel was punished when David took a census in 2 Samuel? Join Rabbi Damian as he turns this seemingly mundane portion into an exciting lesson about how we are to view and treat others, and how God looks at His children.

  • What Is Really Mine?

    19/05/2020 Duração: 34min

    Everyone loves the year of Jubilee. Or do they? What could be better than having your debts forgiven and being released from servitude? Isn't freedom and debt-free living the ideal? Why would anyone be opposed to such a system? Join Rabbi Damian as he peels back the surface layers of this biblical principle to reveal hidden resentment in our hearts towards the ways of God and what we can do to correct the problem. If you're open to a message that goes straight to the heart you won't be disappointed.

  • A Tale Of Two Goats - Part 2

    12/05/2020 Duração: 32min

    If you heard the first part of A Tale of Two Goats, you realize we didn't come to a satisfying conclusion. In this message, Rabbi Damian picks up where he left off on the topic of Yom Kippur and makes a comparison between Yeshua and the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest. If Yeshua wasn't literally a sacrifice, and he wasn't the scapegoat, his parallel work to the Kohen Gadol, however, is uncanny—especially when viewed through the perspective of Reish Lakish (an early rabbinic personality) on repentance. Join Rabbi Damian in this exciting message that highlights Yeshua's work as the Kohen Gadol who ministers on our behalf before the throne of the Almighty.

  • A Tale Of Two Goats

    05/05/2020 Duração: 27min

    In our series on the book of Hebrews (A Better Covenant), we capitalized on the statement of Hebrews 10:4 that it is "impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." However, when we read about the Yom Kippur service in Leviticus 16, it seems that this may not be a true statement. Did the blood of the Yom Kippur goats take away sins prior to Yeshua's sacrificial death? Does this make Yeshua's death a substitution for the Yom Kippur offerings? If these are questions you've been curious about, join Rabbi Damian as he helps clarify the work of Yeshua on our behalf in this important message.

  • The Baby And The Burnt Offering

    28/04/2020 Duração: 30min

    The Torah's laws of ritual purity seem completely foreign and restrictive to our modern senses. Why does a mother have to offer a sin offering after giving birth to a baby? What did she do wrong? Is having a baby a sin? Why are there restrictions put on her after childbirth? What's up with all of this ritual impurity and all of these awkward topics? This is where most people quit their commitment to read their Bible from cover to cover. If this is you or you've ever thought these things, Rabbi Damian has some fresh insights to help you reconnect to the Word of God, its living nature, and how it still speaks to us today. Don't miss out on this insightful message.

  • Freedom Is Never Free

    21/04/2020 Duração: 28min

    On the biblical calendar, we have just come out of Passover and are counting the days up to the time of Shavuot (Pentecost). We are between the days of our redemption and the giving of the Torah. We have been freed from the bondage of Pharaoh, but we have not yet experienced the awesome power of Mount Sinai. Unfortunately, most people live their lives in this very state: they have been set free from the bondage of sin, but haven't been released to their true purpose. In this important message of self-discovery, Rabbi Damian reveals the meaning of two primary Hebrew words for freedom and how our understanding of these terms can transform our lives from merely being free from the bondage of sin to living a life of purpose. Please join us as we seek to understand the true message of freedom written on the tablets and given to us as the people of God.

  • Seders & Social Distancing

    06/04/2020 Duração: 24min

    For many, this year's Passover is viewed as a disappointment because of social distancing caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. We will be isolated to just our families and not be able to celebrate Passover with our communities. But is there something Hashem is wanting to do during this time? Is this time orchestrated by Him in order to get our attention? No, we are not talking about God's judgment being poured out on the earth, but we are talking about using our present circumstances to help us focus on the things that are truly important — the things that may have somehow lost their importance long ago. Join Rabbi Damian as he shared important insights into what God wants to do in our lives during this Passover season.

  • Leviticus - Sacrifice Required

    02/04/2020 Duração: 22min

    Leviticus. Sacrifices. Blood. Guts. Dung. Ashes. And this is part of our Bible? Needless to say, the book of Leviticus can be challenging to the modern reader. How are we supposed to engage in a book that deals with things that haven't taken place in nearly 2000 years? Is there anything relevant about this book for the modern disciple? Join Rabbi Damian has he presents these challenging questions and more in order to point us in the proper direction to understand if and how the book of Leviticus should fit into our lives during this day and age. You won't be disappointed.

  • Slow Your Roll. He's In Control.

    17/03/2020 Duração: 28min

    COVID-19. Coronavirus. Panic. Fear. Stock Market crash. A rush on toilet paper? Where is the sanity in all of this hysteria? Are all of these reactions the wisdom of being prepared or simply a symptom of fear? When life becomes chaotic and overwhelming fear reigns supreme. The best way to regain our bearings in times like these is to seek out wisdom from the Word of God. This week's Torah portion contains a parallel to our current situation. Coincidence or divine providence? Join Rabbi Damian as he makes a surprising connection between the COVID-19 panic and Parashat Ki Tisa, bringing some sanity and spiritual insight into the pandemonium of our global situation, shining the light of the Torah into the bleak darkness of despair.

  • Purim And Pandemic

    12/03/2020 Duração: 33min

    Coronavirus. COVID-19. Pandemic. Global fear. Over the last few weeks, the world has had its eye on a rising threat that has swept across Europe and Asia and has now entered into the United States. The media has been focused on bringing us the latest updates on the far-reaching effects of this global outbreak. How should followers of Yeshua respond to an international threat such as this? Is there really anything we can do? And what does all of this have to do with Purim? Join Rabbi Damian as he addresses a concern that is at the heart of billions of people across the planet who are desperately searching for an answer to this rising threat. Don't miss this important message and learn how to prepare yourself and others against this global threat.

  • Terms Of Engagement

    04/03/2020 Duração: 22min

    Why would anyone want to read through the building materials and instructions of an ancient temporary structure like we do throughout large sections of the book of Exodus? Sometimes we have to remember that the Creator of the Universe wants us to come to Him on His terms, rather than ours. The book of Exodus reminds us of these "Terms of Engagement," and teach holy people about holy things. Join Rabbi Damian and engage with the details of the Tabernacle in a way that will ignite your soul.

  • Seeds Of The Kingdom

    25/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    The reality of life is that this world is harsh, bitter, and full of disappointment. On the other hand, however, the disciples of Yeshua have a hope that sees beyond our present reality and into the future reality of the Messianic Kingdom. If you're struggling to see beyond the pain of your current reality and live a life filled with love, hope, and joy you won't want to miss this inspiring and encouraging message. Join Rabbi Damian as he helps us see the seeds of the Kingdom that are sprouting all around us.

  • On The Lord's Day

    19/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    It's time to re-address the age old debate over which day should be observed by followers of Yeshua as a day of rest and holiness. Is it Saturday, the traditional Sabbath described beginning in the book of Genesis? Or has the Saturday Sabbath been changed for followers of Yeshua to an observance of The Lord's Day on Sunday as described in the writings of the Apostles? Join Rabbi Damian as he re-opens this discussion and brings clarity to The Lord's Day from an historical and Scriptural perspective. The answer may be surprising.

  • You Are What You Repeat

    29/01/2020 Duração: 46min

    Most people think that goals will get you there. Studies show though that if we focus more on transforming our daily routine into habits that will become long-term, problem-solving strategies we can accomplish what might seem impossible. How do habits and HaShem go together? Could it be that God has given us the ability to develop our holiness through habits? Have a listen and see!

  • The “Nones” and the Non-Negotiables

    19/01/2020 Duração: 35min

    As Nachamu Ami transitions to its new identity as Shalom Macon, questions surface about the direction as a congregation. What stays the same, what changes? What will our services look like? What areas of compromise are we willing to make and what are the non-negotiables? Join Rabbi Damian as he answers these important questions to find out how we plan to navigate these waters and help others like yourself do the same.

  • Myth & Mayhem - The First Century “Church”

    16/01/2020 Duração: 40min

    Everyone claims to be a "first century church." What does this mean and is it even a good thing? How did Jew-Gentile relationships affect the trajectory of the face of Yeshua-centered faith over the course of the last two thousand years? Who were the original "Judaizers," and should we reconsider how this word fits into our current trajectory? Join Rabbi Damian as he unscrambles the mess of the first century and uncovers valuable lessons we can apply to our modern community of faith.

  • It's Time To Say… Shalom Macon!

    05/01/2020 Duração: 41min

    The cat is out of the bag. Nachamu Ami is changing. Why? Is it because we are giving in to compromise? Is it because we are giving up on being a Messianic synagogue? Or is there something deeper at work here? This important message was originally released internally. It’s important for the physical community to be able to digest Rabbi's vision and take ownership in the direction we are heading as a congregation. But you are a part of this community too! Virtual members! So listen and climb on board for the journey ahead. We are going to make an impact in our community, and God-willing to help you impact yours!

  • The Congregational Conundrum

    02/01/2020 Duração: 36min

    We're in a time of uncertainty in our country, our communities, and our congregations. Many are searching for meaning and answers without success. This message is the beginning of an important and honest assessment of Messianic Judaism – past, present, and its not-so-promising future. But this anticipated future assumes that we continue thinking the same thoughts and pursuing the same course of action we always have. Nachamu Ami is not going to be led down this path of deterioration. Join Rabbi Damian in this very important message as he lays a new foundation for an exciting trajectory for our congregation and Messianic Judaism as a whole as we begin to think differently.

  • 100% Guarantee: What Are You Willing To Give?

    01/01/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    When Joseph meets his brothers for the first time in twenty years he seems to treat them very harshly. Why did he do this and what does the Hebrew behind this story teach us about our responsibility to one another as spiritual brothers, sisters, and co-laborers in the Kingdom of Messiah? John Lance Hamel in this insightful and touching exposition of the story of Joseph and his brothers like you've never heard it before.

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