Nox Mente is a show dedicated to exploring consciousness through dreams, dreaming, and dream theory using a wide angle lens. We have opened up this conversation to a diverse world of dreamers. Our goal is to help in the process of bringing conscious intent to the state of dreaming light to the shadowy corners of this experience we all have access to, each time we drift off to sleep.We strive to maintain an open and neutral environment as hosts. There are many theories on the process of dreaming and altered states, and we want to hear them all. No information is irrelevant when it comes to dreams. It is in the overlap of individual experiences that we find pathways into the thinking and journeys of the collective.Nox Mente is streamed live every Wednesday night at 9:00pm Eastern on our YouTube channelLike us on FacebookJoin our Discord server for more real time chatter: you'd like, you may support us on Patreon.
Aaron David
20/09/2017 Duração: 01h15minTonight's guest is Aaron David, host of the Charm the Water podcast. After leaving the religious life, Aaron started his journey into magick. His blog and podcast, in many ways, are a diary of that journey; and where it has led him. In addition, he feels all of his work is towards a goal of personal and spiritual growth. Aaron, a double Capricorn, is a native of Asheville, North Carolina. He fancies himself a gardener, and enjoys consuming large amounts of caffeine. More information about his show is available on his web site at
Radagast (ModWiz125)
13/09/2017 Duração: 02h12sTonight's guest is Radagast (aka ModWiz125). His YouTube channel is
Raksha Moose
06/09/2017 Duração: 02h13sTonight's guest is Raksha Moose. His YouTube channel is
Post Horis | Brandon Young
24/08/2017 Duração: 30minI incorrectly called Edward Bernays, William Bernays. He is the father of modern subliminal advertising and much, much, more. Here's more information on him: V2K/MK US Patent #4,877,027 "HEARING SYSTEM": Batband: A Fishful of Dollars (Futurama S01E06): and clip The Alchemist by H.P. Lovecraft: SecondLife:
Brandon Young
24/08/2017 Duração: 01h27minTonight's guest is Brandon Young of the Anti-OccultCast (
Ra Castaldo
12/08/2017 Duração: 01h26minTonight our guest was Ra Castaldo. Ra was born into a family of Italian shaman and magic users, called Strega. This ancient lineage hails from several areas In Italy including: Benevento, Lake Nemi, Volterra, and Afragola. The Strega were the supernatural protectors in those times, as were many organized pagan groups. Ra is multi-talented. In addition to hosting the Spiral Radio show, he is a songwriter and poet, a mystic, dream seer, aura healer, and oracle reader. In 3D, he instructs younglings in the ways of Muay Thai martial arts. Ra has a v-log called Exploring the Ka with Ra Castaldo on YouTube where he delivers fresh, interesting content regarding his journey and what he's discovered. He is a prolific dreamer and discusses many of his dreams and thoughts about the deeper meanings on his channel. Ra is the Host of Spiral Radio (Fridays at 8pmET) and Exploring the Ka (
Suzanne Potter-Thomas
22/07/2017 Duração: 01h15minSuzanne Potter-Thomas is a fellow researcher and friend of the show.
James Cruz
07/07/2017 Duração: 01h04minOur first show with James Cruz, co-host of the Cruzin' with Steak podcast.