It is time to have your daily profitable moment! A combination of how to make money and how to invest money. covering those fields you are not finding anywhere else. Internet marketing, business news, government issues and investing. It is time to have your daily profitable moment. it is time for HofProfit! Follow partly sighted entrepreneur Lodewijk on this journey of fun and insights! Send your comments to @lodewijkhof on Twitter, on Facebook and please subscribe and review your daily profitable moment.
China tech investment and a new format
05/06/2019 Duração: 26minThere is a major outflow of investment money out of China. But is this with good reason or not? Within 8 years half of the oil rigs in the North Sea are vacant. What are they going to do with it? In the Innovative Energy Report are a few investment options outlined. Are they using this opportunity to drive sustainable friendly energy forward, without subsidy? It's certain that the system will collapse. Riots, swat teams and the theft of your food. Are you ready, are you prepared? Do you enjoy to stay in all the violence or do you prefer to lay down at a safe beach? Trump will pick a new FED chair. A great opportunity to bring some intelligence and proven policy of the FED. The current FED policy ensured that we are facing a major (stock) market collapse. Nothing Trump can do it, but what will his response be? In case you care to profit from the collapse of the stock market: get your hands on the Gold Report. Protect your wealth and be the person to thrive from it. Listen now and send your comments to @lodewi
Why living in China is better than the west and have success with your vlog with Audrey Guidry?
05/06/2019 Duração: 31minCatalonia and what's happening in Europe. After the Brexit, a Venice referendum and the Catalonia referendum. What's the problem in Europe with democracy? Lodewijk is heading for the other side of the world. So it's time to get informed and why you should join me. I interview China vlogger Audrey Guidry on why living in China is better than the west. We close with a chat on what's needed for success with a vlog. Comments, ideas, suggestions? Send a tweet @lodewijkhof or leave a comment below --- Send in a voice message:
World War III is here and Scott Horton talks Trump foreign policy
05/06/2019 Duração: 01h01minWe are getting in place for a new World War. A war which will effect your energy supply. But also a war which makes sense for all parties. Said but true. Let's have a look at the IMF. This organisation fails to provide what it does. While it could allow bad governments to go bust and implement to have good policy, they just keep providing herooine to the junky. I talked with Scott Horton about Trump foreign policy. His book on the war in Afghanistan is well recieved and he recognised as one of the best speakers on this field. We discussed USA foreign policy. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave it below. --- Send in a voice message:
Commoditys in 2018
05/06/2019 Duração: 27minIt is time for the second podcast in the outlook series. What will 2018 bring you? This outlook is all about commodities. Gold, Silver, Rise and Uraan. The most precious commodity is though to make money: clean water. What do you say about it? What do you think about it? Feel free to comment below and leave your comment on twitter to @lodewijkhof --- Send in a voice message:
The paradise Papers
05/06/2019 Duração: 29minThe Paradise Papers are released. The leftish Prime Minister of Canada is named in tax evasion. After the Panama Papers, he named everyone engaged in tax evasion bad. But he is doing it also. Why does he not pay the high tax on his money?We celebrate the 100 year annivorsory of the Russian Revolution. Communism thrived, collectivism thrived and millions of people are being murdered. All in the name of being a patriot, so prepare before it' is to late! BitCoin is going to get a new tax status. From a asset to a coin. This new potential upward potential means there is even more crypto profits to be expected. So join the BitCoin Profits Puerto rico is being rebuild. After the terrible natural disasters. But the contracts are being offered privately. No transparancy. So corruption is getting all the changes it needs. The failing central bank policy is a enormous subsidy for failing bureaucrats and inefficient bureacrats. What will happen when the government bonds get the value of
Policy change to boost renewable energy profits with Joel Stronberg
05/06/2019 Duração: 52minIt is time to talk about energy. Renewable energy which is profitable without subsidy, as outlined in the Energy Profit Package. I talked with Joel Stronberg from He worked in policy for over 35 years. So what can we learn from him to increase the profits? Also some talks about the increasing geopolitical tension and the increasing military spending and how to survive a violent attack. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave a message below. --- Send in a voice message:
Profiting from the economic collapse in Latin America with Paolo Manzo
05/06/2019 Duração: 36minFinancial problems at one of my investments. When there is an economic collapse you can make the highest positive returns. So I talked with Paolo Manzo, an Italian journalist living in Brasil. We talked about the reasons for the economic collapse, what happened and where are the profits. What do you need to know to make money in Latin America? Please like, share and repost this podcast. Submit your comment below or send a tweet to @lodewijkhof --- Send in a voice message:
The final 2018 outlook 1 year
05/06/2019 Duração: 28minIt is the last podcast of the year. It is the final outlook. On this outlook the collapse and likely invasion of Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah and what it would take to give the people of Iran a better life without violence. China and India are dealing with the pollution. Japan will have more of the same failing policy. Send your final comments to @lodewijkhof on twitter or leave a message below --- Send in a voice message:
The business of e health with Erik Gerritsen
05/06/2019 Duração: 29minI had a really terrible experience with Kemkens. A local company which is partly owned by the utility company Essent. At the same time is the government shutdown over? Or over for now. The deal will end on the 8th of February 2018. So then you have a new chance to profit! I talked with Erik Gerritsen about e-health. What does it take to make money in the field of e-health? Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave your message below! --- Send in a voice message:
Profiting from the war in Lugansk, Donestk and Ukraine
05/06/2019 Duração: 35minWar is something really terrible. But we human being is doing the war ongoing. So let's stop whining about it. Let'start making money with it. That's why I have a special interest in Ukraine. A large country in the center of Europe. With an exploded nuclear powerplant, violent conflicts in the east (Donest, Lugansk, Crimea). Make returns of 100% to 300%. All this takes is peace! So I talked with Alexander Cherednichenko. Who was born and lived in Lugansk. Tweet your comments to @lodewijkhof or leave a comment below! --- Send in a voice message:
Secure Bitcoin profits and profiting from the geopolitical situation with Tom Luongo
05/06/2019 Duração: 45minLet's talk Bitcoin. This cryptocurrencies bubble is having some great investment perspective no one talks about. Are you ready to make some money and rid this bubble the profitable way? 77 Million square feet shops are vacant. The shops are closing at a record rate. In today exclusive interview I interviewed Tom Longo from Gold Goats 'n Guns newsletter. We talked about the real profit opportunity! So share your comment and insights below! --- Send in a voice message:
Let's talk success with your restaurant and digital marketing with Shawn P Walchef
05/06/2019 Duração: 49minThere is quite some negative news about Israel. At the same time is no one spreading the great things happening. Or talking about the ongoing safety threat the people are living in. Why does the army bring kids to school? Yes, otherwise they are murdered. I talked with Shawn P. Walchef from calicomfort and the Behind the Smoke podcast. For over a decade he ownes a restaurant. The restaurant started out as a sports bar and is now a flourishing bbq restaurant. What is the secret to the success? Tweet your comment to @lodewijkhof --- Send in a voice message:
The end of humanity with Ugo Bardi
05/06/2019 Duração: 48minA small government works best. It is no secret I preach this. But I have two new allies. The ECB and WorldBank, results of big government, are now also supporting me. If you are interested to make 170,000 USD you will hear what you should do. Nuenen had a vote. The people had the choice: join Eindhoven or become independent. The people made the smart choice to NOT join Eindhoven. The human race is at the risk of extinction. Well, it is actually something else so we discussed this. What do we need to do to avoid this? Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave it below. --- Send in a voice message:
Profiting in hospitality business and succeed in Eindhoven with Joris Scharpach
05/06/2019 Duração: 50minIt is time to look at the violence against the media. Earlier there was a call for a advertiser boycot. Rocket attack on Panorama and a terror attack on De Telegraaf. Why is the violence against the media increasing? Why is the government talking on what should be broadcasted and what not? I talked with Joris Scharpach ( We talked about making money in the hospitality business and investing in real estate. Why are so many companies failing? Eindhoven will make quite some changes in real estate taxation and prepare for that. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or drop it below. --- Send in a voice message:
Destructive growth and international SEO
05/06/2019 Duração: 40minThe Oscars are out. The ongoing pressure to reward those. It is time for more public pressure to reward those that are failing to meet the needed standards. We need to think about the global NGO culture. If you hide child prostitution there is something wrong. Why are ministrys hiding thise? At the moment the Dutch politicians talk about AIRBNB and Booking. The increase of tourism and destructive innovations. Why are they blaming theinnovations they talk about. On the field of school shooting is it time to have a better look. What is the real reason for the shooting? Are it the guns but if it are guns why all at once? |Why now, what has changed? or is it big pharma and the increased medicine usage? What do you need to internationalize your SEO and webshop? Are you ready to make money from around the world? --- Send in a voice message:
The Brexit and your (real estate) investment with Pieter Monsma
05/06/2019 Duração: 32minIt is D-Day! Lufthansa talks about the future of Brussels Airlines. Likely they will skip the brand and integrate it in GermanWings, Lufthansa low cost daughter. But why are they not working together with VLM and Air Belgium? Via this partnership they could add Asia as the key market and take the profits within Europe. The Brexit promises unpresedented opportunity to get rich! Think about making investments in the field of real estate and secure a high cashflow, capital gain and more of the fun in the world of investment. Imagine high returns, over 10%. Imagine capital gains of 20% and more. This will not include the low British Pound. Pieter Monsma is active in the field of British real estate and helping people. So we talked about it. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof on Twitter or leave a comment below. --- Send in a voice message:
The death of the western Middle Class and precious & rare metal investing with Dave Morgan
05/06/2019 Duração: 39minI'm back from an exhausting trip. Visiting the hospital, ministry of education and the ministry of healthcare. Happy I'm back in the south! Also the western middle class is dying. Why is this? What are the real reasons behind it and no it is not the internet! I interviewed Dave Morgan from about why investing in precious metals and rare metals. What is happening and why you should put money into it! Comments, leave them below or send a tweet to @lodewijkhof --- Send in a voice message:
Lodewijk Egbert Simon Hof The Trump scorecard with Freeke Vuis
05/06/2019 Duração: 47minLet's talk softdrugs and socialism. It is time to look at the first country which legalized softdrugs. Why is the policy not the success as the government tries to make us believe. Panam is having an shortage in skilled workforce. They are the prime example that low tax and low regulation mean economic success. They have an interesting method! You are allowed to work and start your business in the Caribean. I talked with Freeke Vuist, the Dutch correspondent for VrijNederland. A monthly magazine. she is a strong opponent of President Trump. She gives the scorecard and well she also metnions a few possitive things. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave a message below! --- Send in a voice message:
Amazon launches a own cryptocurrency and Gordon Attard on achieving your dream
05/06/2019 Duração: 44minAmazon is preparing to launch an own cryptocurrency. So this will move the Blockchain technology into the mainstream. The innovation will push an interesting method. It is time for you to be alive. The OECD is launching a new attack on offshore tax havens. But tax havens are offering financial privacy and are effective to fight financial crime. Gordon Attard and I talk about achieving your dreams. Comments are welcome! Leave them below or send a tweet to @lodewijkhof --- Send in a voice message:
The collapse of Yugoslav with Dr. Christian Costamagna
05/06/2019 Duração: 45minLet's talk Gold! The Texas Gold Depository is open. Lodewijk also explains the problematic situation with the City of Eindhoven and this might explain why he is in the process to revoke his citizenship. It is also time to look at the situation in Yugoslav. Dr. Crisitian Constamagna is one of the most knowledgeable speakers on this topic. What can we learn from this and make money from it? Send your tweet to @lodewijkhof or leave a message below! --- Send in a voice message: