Winning Attitude -actitud Ganadora

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:45:14
  • Mais informações



I focus on the importance of a Winning Attitude for an entrepreneur. Ideas, tips and tricks to hack your winning attitude and make your startup thrive. Read my blog and contact me for one of my coaching workshops at:


  • 250. Winning Attitude Podcast ft. Soren Kaplan, Silicon Valley´s voice of Innovation

    25/06/2020 Duração: 21min

    Soren Kaplan is the voice of innovation and a reference for leading companies at Silicon Valley and Worldwide. He´s considered by “Thinkers 50” as one of the leading experts in strategic innovation, disruptive technology and innovation culture. Tedx Speaker, author of Wallstreet Journal Bestsellers “Leapfrogging” and “The Invisible Advantage”, has empowered big names such as Disney, Kimberly Clark, HP, Redbull, Visa, Colgate Palmolive and many others with a hands on approach. Founder of “Innovation Point” and “upBOARD”, he is also a great entrepreneur with a winning attitude.

  • 240. Podcast Actitud Ganadora ft. Flavio Caiafa (Presidente ANII) sobre innovación en tiempos de crisis.

    15/06/2020 Duração: 29min

    Flavio Caiafa es un emprendedor cuyas ideas y approach práctico lo ha llevado a ser líder en Innovación. Novel Presidente de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay (ANII), ha tenido experiencia en diversas industrias como las telecomunicaciones, audiovisual, videojuegos y educación. De formación en Ingeniería Civil con un MBA del London Business School (LBS), es entusiasta de la tecnología y abraza los cambios que agregan valor con una pasión tremenda.

  • 230. Winning Attitude podcast ft. Philip Schemmekes. The power of sport to change your destiny.

    08/06/2020 Duração: 21min

    Philip Schemmekes is a top sporter who re-focused all his energy from his times as a professional Basketball player into his project in social entrepreneurship, co-founding the Triple Threat foundation. There he inspired, together with his brother Dominic Schemmekes and Okrah Donkor, thousands of kids that come from backgrounds with less opportunities, to find purpose and dream big, through the power of sport. Winner of multiple awards such as club of the year and people´s price at present your startup in 2019, he stays humble and is known for his integrity and straightforward attitude.

  • 220. Podcast Actitud Ganadora ft. Pablo Fernandez, el hombre record.

    02/06/2020 Duração: 30min

    Pablo Fernandez es un emprendedor y atleta disruptivo. Con formación universitaria en la Complutense de Madrid y Harvard, tuvo sus años corporativos en Boston Consulting Group (BCG) y Santander, alcanzando cargos muy altos. En 2015 decide largar todo y embarcarse en el mundo emprendedor, fundando y liderando junto a Carlos Rivera, CLICARS. Con Clicars llegan a revolucionar el mercado de coches usados con una startup 100% digital, centrada en el cliente y alcanzando una facturación de varios millones con sus coches de buena mano. Como atleta es un nadador de aguas abiertas imparable. Tiene un Record Guinness a los 100km más rápidos y recientemente en el contexto del coronavirus, obtuvo otro Record Guinness por nadar durante 25 horas seguidas contracorriente para recaudar fondos para la cruz roja.

  • 210. Podcast Actitud Ganadora con Roberto Canessa.

    25/05/2020 Duração: 22min

    Roberto nació en Uruguay en 1953. De chiquito su espíritu rebelde y salvaje tenía mucho en común con el de su caballo que montaba para ir al Colegio Stella Maris y que volvía loco a los Christian Brothers Irlandeses comiéndole las plantitas cuando se escapaba. A su mamále sugirieron que Roberto empezara Rugby a ver si se domaba un poco. El amor por ese deporte fue enorme y se convirtió en un esencial del 15 inicial. Le decían "músculos" porque era una topadora. Ese amor por el rugby lo puso en un avión con sus amigos rumbo a Chile el 13 de Octubre de 1972. El desenlace es conocido por todos. Luego de haber sobrevivido junto a muchos de sus compañeros a un infierno helado con innumerables desafíos humanos, Roberto se embarca junto a Tintín (Antonio Vizintín) y Nando Parrado en una escalada interminable por 10 días cruzando la cordillera de los Andes con Alturas de más de 5000 metros y temperaturas de 30 grados bajo cero en busca de rescate para sus compañeros, en una lucha por sobrevivir y decirle a su madre y

  • 200. Winning Attitude podcast ft. David Beckett, world’s #1 pitching gurú. Second part of our virtual fireside chat.

    19/05/2020 Duração: 16min

    200. Winning Attitude podcast ft. David Beckett, world’s #1 pitching gurú. Second part.  DAVID is #1 pitching coach in the world. He has trained thousands, helped entrepreneurs raise millions and above all unleashed the power of delivering a great message that opens amazing opportunities. He has developed the pitching canvas and a solid methodology that you should add to your toolbox as an entrepreneur. This is the 2nd  block of a virtual fireside chat for the Winning Attitude Podcast. Enjoy!    #entrepreneurialjourney #startupstories #startups #winningattitude #wordsbuildworlds #bodylanguage #amsterdam Enjoy the video of the podcast at:

  • 190. Winning Attitude podcast ft. DAVID BECKETT, world’s #1 pitching gurú.

    15/05/2020 Duração: 18min

    DAVID is #1 pitching coach in the world. He has trained thousands, helped entrepreneurs raise millions and above all unleashed the power of delivering a great message that opens amazing opportunities. He has developed the pitching canvas and a solid methodology ( that you should add to your toolbox as an entrepreneur. This is the first block of a virtual fireside chat for the Winning Attitude Podcast. Enjoy!

  • 180. La actitud emprendedora, innovación y tips para tomar acción ante la crisis ft. Enrique Topolansky

    06/05/2020 Duração: 28min

    180. Podcast Actitud Ganadora - Winning Attitude En este episodio tenemos una charla con Enrique Topolansky sobre la actitud emprendedora, adaptación, innovación y varios tips para navegar la crisis.  Enrique es lider en Innovación, Speaker Internacional, Emprendedor y Director del CIE Centro de Innovación y Emprendimientos de la Universidad ORT.

  • 170. Parte 2 de 2 - Burningman, el Wifi humano y experiencias transformadoras ft. Jorge "Coco" Lopez Cataño

    29/10/2019 Duração: 22min

    170. Parte 2 de 2 - Burningman, el Wifi humano y experiencias transformadoras ft. Jorge "Coco" Lopez Cataño.

  • 160. Parte 1 de 2 - Burning Man, El wi-fi humano y experiencias transformadoras ft. Jorge "Coco" Lopez Cataño.

    24/10/2019 Duração: 25min

    Parte 1 de 2 - Burning Man, El wi-fi humano y experiencias transformadoras ft. Jorge "Coco" Lopez Cataño. En esta charla "Coco" nos cuenta sobre sus conceptos y experiencias que lo han llevado a conectar con gente a nivel global. El Burning Man como experiencia transformadora, sus preparación, lo que llevó y lo que trajo del evento más aclamado de Silicon Valley.

  • 150. Part 2/2 - Finding purpose through facilitation ft. Suzan Lindhout

    12/09/2019 Duração: 20min

    Part 2/2 - Finding purpose through facilitation. On this conversation with Suzan Lindhout, we talk about social innovation, dialogue, embodied learning, theory U, taking action and triggering change on a purposeful way. Suzan Lindhout is an Innovator, Facilitator and Process Designer. She Lectures in Social Innovation at BUAS University and delivers Leadership Journeys for a diverse audience.

  • 140. Part 1/2 - Finding purpose through facilitation ft. Suzan Lindhout

    06/09/2019 Duração: 25min

    Part 1/2 - Finding purpose through facilitation. On this conversation with Suzan Lindhout, we talk about social innovation, dialogue, embodied learning, theory U, taking action and triggering change on a purposeful way. Suzan Lindhout is an Innovator, Facilitator and Process Designer. She Lectures in Social Innovation at BUAS University and delivers Leadership Journeys for a diverse audience.

  • 130. Gamification

    09/07/2019 Duração: 25min

    On this episode we have a very inspiring guest. Ron van den Ouweland ( engages with me on a fruitful conversation bringing all his expertise on gamification as a tool for motivation, engagement and creation of organisational culture. And obviously a way to empower your winning attitude. About my guest: Ron van den Ouweland is a freelance designer from Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He helps organisations build tools for social innovation through emerging technologies like 3d printing and Virtual Reality.  Ron suggests the listeners to take a look at the ted talk from Jane Mcgonigal on Gamification to further understand was he´s sharing n our conversation.

  • 111. Carrots and Sticks

    25/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    Old school motivation still works nowadays. It´s a must that we put short term carrots on our way to get our daily motivation. The no pain no gain phrase also applies here. We need to sacrifice something to make that carrot taste even better. Simple things can boost our motivation for the short term and end up boosting our long term performance.

  • 110. Create an amazing space to work

    08/04/2019 Duração: 07min

    As an entrepreneur you will need to hire people to help you make your company grow. You will have the challenge of becoming both an entrepreneur and a manager at the same time. I give you some tips to encourage a culture of growth with space for everyone, empowerment and motivation.

  • 100. Celebrar el FRACASO

    18/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Celebrar el fracaso apunta a desarrollar nuestra resiliencia, a saber que vamos a caer y volver a levantarnos los más rápido que podamos. A asumir nuestra responsabilidad y aprender de nuestros fracasos para que el proximo proyecto sea mejor.  Si tuviste el coraje de tirarte el agua, de arriesgar todo, de exponerte y tu empendimiento salió mal, junta ese coraje que está en vos, sumale esa experiencia y salí a la cancha con todo de nuevo! Por eso hoy los invito a que esto no sea más un tabú del emprendedor y celebren sus éxitos tanto como sus fracasos en el camino de la excelencia.

  • 090. Embracing SPORT as an action habit that will trigger our inspiration

    11/03/2019 Duração: 07min

    The return on investment for your winning attitude of doing any kind of sport is exponential. I encourage everybody to take action today in order to get some inspiration when you cannot find it. And if it becomes a habit much better!  This quote from a recent book a read really inspired me to see the inpiration-motivation-action loop from a different starting point: “Action isn´t just the effect of motivation. It´s the cause of it” Mark Manson.


    04/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Nuestra motivación nace desde la desesperación, la inspiración o una combinación de las dos. En este episodio les cuento sobre algunas historias de motivación para tomar acción. Y también sobre las acciones que nos pueden llevar a entrar en un loop de inspiración - motivación - acción. Por último los invito a "hackear" la mente para buscar un nivel de motivación más fuerte.

  • Building a team with a Winning Attitude

    25/02/2019 Duração: 07min

    Being part of a high performance team was one of the most fulfilling things on my professional life. But what does a team need to have to perform that way? Where should I look for my future partners? What kind of characteristics should they have? On this episode I will tell you some of the stories that made our team thrill. 

  • 060 - Elimina el freno de tu inconsciente superando tus creencias limitantes

    11/02/2019 Duração: 06min

    Las creencias limitantes las vamos incorporando a nuestra mente desde muy chicos.  Casi siempre son ideas que trabajan a nivel inconsciente y que pueden no ser reales, pero para nosotros si lo son. No estamos pensando en forma activa que no vamos a lograr tal o cual objetivo. Lo que hacemos es esquivarlo, postergarlo, básicamente no le ponemos actitud ganadora porque pensamos que no es para nosotros.  

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