Under lying questions that we think of, songs we can't shake off, the thoughts that drift in our mind but don't address, A 22 year old college student dives into these things with his own spin.
Dangers of Social Media
03/04/2019 Duração: 12minIt has some use, but overall has it made your life genuinely better? Do the pros out weight the cons of living on the social media craze? Odds are that it does
Emotional Dependency Pt 2
21/03/2019 Duração: 17minFollowing up from last episode, there isn't a gold ticket to feel free of being emotionally dependent on someone. However, can the act of taking accountability, and working on yourself eliminate the need for such a person?
Emotional Dependency Pt. 1
19/03/2019 Duração: 12minFriends and family are important to everyone life regardless of status. Is there such thing as being too dependent on someone being your "rock"? Find out in this two part episode
The Power of Connecting
18/03/2019 Duração: 08minNot every person on the street is Dostoevsky in the form of wisdom. But there still is something to be learned from everyone you engage with. Just how deep can a conversation touch you when you've just met the person?
I'm no better than you are/ Social media
06/03/2019 Duração: 09minStatus and virtue signaling has become more of an issue in recent times with social media on the fore front of communication. Is it right for us to recognize this platform as a way to identify the character of individuals? If so, when can that person redeem themselves from said perceived image?
Reconciling, is it a thing?
27/02/2019 Duração: 12minRekindling friendships or relationships can be the greatest feeling on earth. However, is reconciling really a thing and how much of your past actions play a role into if it's possible or not?
Jussie Smollett, Failure at heart
22/02/2019 Duração: 16minWhat happens when one man tries to virtue signal for his own personal gain but winds up getting cucked?
Patience with Respect and Impatience
31/01/2019 Duração: 13minThere are somethings we can sense of, but some that are a little bit harder to grasp. In this episode we discuss why having patience with others respect and impatience can be an invaluable lesson to learn in life. Questions and comments are always appreciated! Feel free to join Team Zosima on ig at :staretszosima
Patience Pt2 : Other People's Expectations
27/01/2019 Duração: 09minPatience with ourselves is important, but having patience with others is just as, if not more important. In this episode, we discuss how having patience with others expectations can affects one psyche and way of living. Instagram: StaretsZosima
Introduction and Patience Pt 1
23/01/2019 Duração: 14minBeing my first episode. I briefly speak of myself then go into the importance of patience with your progress, your failures, your emotions, and your plans. Instagram:Staretszosima