Saints Unscripted

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 200:24:50
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Saints Unscripted is a show with faithful, hilarious Mormons with different opinions on being Mormon.


  • Mormon couple goes to EVERY LDS TEMPLE!!, feat. EveryLDSTemple

    13/06/2019 Duração: 20min

    Today we met with Emma and Jacob, the cutest couple that ever existed. But really, if there is a cuter couple, tag them in the comments below... cuz I'm skeptical.  Anyway, Emma and Jacob have a goal to go to EVERY temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church)! As of today, there are 161 temples ALL OVER THE WORLD! Jacob and Emma have been to a whopping 79. SEVENTY NINE.  So before they came on the show, we asked our audience on Instagram for their questions about the couple. How do they finance their travels? Do they plan to travel the rest of their life? How different is each temple? How have they changed by visiting every temple?  Would you want to visit every temple? Which temple would be your first? Let us know via FB or Instagram DM! 

  • Mormons and Perfection, feat. Sabrina

    12/06/2019 Duração: 07min

    In this episode of Saints Unscripted, Sabrina and Kwaku talk about Mormon perfectionism and the pressures that are associated with striving for perfection.   Kwaku tells a story about when he struggled with perfection and Sabrina agrees that perfectionism in Mormonism is very difficult.    Sabrina says that being a Mormon in high school meant that many people were looking at her to be perfect and when she wasn't, she'd be looked down upon.    Sabrina and Kwaku the discuss and emphasize the fact that while we are commanded to be perfect, we don't need unnecessary pressure but need to rely on Jesus Christ for strength.

  • Mormons react to OTHER RELIGIONS!

    11/06/2019 Duração: 16min

    While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) believe that their religion is the true religion (contains the fulness of the gospel), they still value many of the practices and teachings found in other religions. David, Justin, and Mimi talk about their experiences visiting different places of worship and determine the different elements of those religions that members of the Church of Jesus Christ would do well to practice.  Whether or not you're a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, we encourage you to visit other places of worship and learn from other religions to enhance your faith :) Mimi, David, and Justin emphasize that while the churches they've attended have been slightly different than their normal spiritual practices, they learned a significant amount from their friends of different faiths.  Have you been to a church other than your own? What was your experience? Let us know via Facebook or Instagram DM! 


    10/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    Saints Unscripted first talk about why Mormons get married at such a young age. Mormons typically get married between the ages of 18-24.    Kwaku then talks about how he already has planned how he’s going to propose to his girlfriend. Ian and Caish think that Kwaku’s idea is cliche. He wants to propose in front of the Provo City Center Temple, a new LDS temple in Utah. Kwaku then says that he’ll start singing “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” by Elvis Presley. Ian plays the guitar and sings the song to demonstrate. Kwaku then says he wants a drone to capture the whole engagement as well as having a choir of children.    Caish then describes her engagement. Her then boyfriend planned a perfect engagement but when Caish didn’t receive the message, it threw his plans for a loop.    Kwaku talks about his wedding. He wants to have a ring ceremony as well as a sealing in the temple so that his family who can’t enter the Mormon temple will be able to see his wedding. But then thin

  • Mormons Respond to Comments and Troll - Part 2

    07/06/2019 Duração: 14min

    This week on Saints Unscripted, Ian and Kwaku read your comments! Did your comment make the cut?    The Saints Unscripted talk about dating Mormon missionaries, Mormon temples, becoming like God, and more.    Ian mentions how Mormons don’t necessarily believe that becoming like God means having a planet. Mormons actually know very little about what 'becoming like God' will entail.    Kwaku says that Mormons don’t believe the Bible is false. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes the Bible as revelation and teaches many classes on the Bible.    Ian and Kwaku talk about one of their favorite parts of being on Saints Unscripted: the battle between Atheists, Evangelicals, and others. Atheists will comment and then anti-Mormons will comment and then the battle between the many sects commences!    Ultimately, Saints Unscripted loves your comments. Keep commenting!

  • Living with Bipolar Disorder

    06/06/2019 Duração: 15min

    In this episode, Hannah talks to us about mental illness. She has been living with bi-polar disorder for many years. She talks about the stigma behind bi-polar and other mental illnesses, as well as how to navigate life while also dealing with mental illness.  Justin also talks about his struggle with depression and emphasizes how important it is to get professional help, as also strongly suggested by Jeffrey R. Holland who recently gave a talk on mental illness. Hannah's biggest piece of advice to those struggling with mental illness is to look for help. Don't give up on finding the right therapist and medication for you. It's going to be okay. ❤ Members of the Church of Jesus Christ Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called Mormons or LDS) believe in utilizing doctors and medication to help us navigate this life. We don't believe that scripture reading or church attendance is going to cure everyone from mental and emotional illnesses (just as it likely won't cure us of physical problems such as a brok

  • Mormon Women and Feminism, feat. Elisabeth

    05/06/2019 Duração: 11min

    Kwaku and Ian of Saints Unscripted introduce special guest Elisabeth to discuss the implications of feminism for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.    Kwaku first talks about radical feminists and how they aren’t necessary a good representation of what feminism truly is. Instead of looking at the bad, we need to embrace all that is good in feminism. Women in leadership is among the good things and is also very prominent in the Church. Emma Smith was a powerful example of women leaders. And today, there are many women leaders who have a strong voice in the Church. Ian says that ultimately, the Church advocates equality for women.    Elisabeth says that in some regards, men should need to shape up. They shouldn’t be doing things that objectify women. Kwaku and Ian both say that it’s belittling to men to say that they can’t control their passions.    Elisabeth says that being a mom is so much to being a mom. If a woman wants to be in the workforce, she should do so and

  • Have Millennials Changed Worship?

    04/06/2019 Duração: 16min

    Today we got to talk to Nate Jones who is the host of the Peculiar People Podcast (we told him to call it P-cubed (yes, P^3) so we'll see what happens

  • Do Mormons Believe They Can Be Gods, Feat. Sabrina

    03/06/2019 Duração: 10min

    Mormons believe that every human being is a child of God. They believe that as children of heavenly parents, they have divine potential and as such, can become perfected through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.    Kwaku and Ian invite special guest Sabrina to join them in discussing what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes about becoming like God. Sabrina and Kwaku both discuss how the pattern of becoming like God can be compared to the pattern of children becoming like their parents. Through constant interaction and immense love, parents help children to learn and grow and eventually become the best they can be. Similarly, all humans can grow and progress and eventually become like God. Ian emphasizes the importance of progression by asking himself if he would feel comfortable in the presence of God, a good indication of his progression to be like Him.  

  • Mormon Priesthood - The Power and Authority of God, Feat. Dr. Michael H. MacKay

    31/05/2019 Duração: 17min

    Ian and Kwaku sit down with Dr. Michael H. MacKay, a religion professor at BYU who teaches many different subjects of religion pertaining to the Mormon Church.    The three discuss the Priesthood of God, the Restoration, and the temple, as taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.    Dr. MacKay shares his thoughts on the priesthood and how in the book of Moses, we learn that the priesthood goes all the way back to Adam and that it continues on today in the LDS Church.  He also shares insight on ordinances and covenants and why both are very important in the Mormon Church, specifically in the Temple.

  • Mormons Respond to Comments and Trolls

    29/05/2019 Duração: 12min

    Saints Unscripted gets a lot of comments from their viewers. Some comments are from trolls and others are genuine. Ian and Kwaku respond to a few of their favorite questions.    Some comments ask why people join the LDS church. Others ask about Mormon marriage and Mormon temples. Many wonder about Ian’s LDS mission. And lastly, others should be comedians… we’ll just leave it at that.

  • Offerings and Donations

    27/05/2019 Duração: 07min

    Mormons pay the ancient law of Tithing that is found in the Old Testament. Through paying tithing, members are promised amazing blessings.   With money from tithing paid by members, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds up the Kingdom of God on earth. This means Temples are built, Books of Mormon are printed, and the poor are given help, just to name a few things (there are many other ways the Mormon Church uses tithing money).   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also has many businesses that they own that make profit. The Church then takes that money and uses it for building up the Kingdom of God just like tithing money is used.    When members of the Church pay tithing they are given incredible blessings. In Malachi 3:10 it says: “… if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessings, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."  Mormons everywhere around the world pay tithing and see the blessings that come from it

  • Do Mormons Dare to Swear?

    24/05/2019 Duração: 10min

    Do Mormons swear? Kwaku and Ian dive into the topic of whether swearing and profanity is okay or not.    Kwaku says that cussing can be funny at times but shouldn’t be done often and absolutely shouldn’t be done in a derogatory way. Kwaku says that when he is back home in Texas he tries not to curse very much. He does this because he knows that his non-Mormon watch how he acts and speaks as a member of the LDS Church.    Ian mentions that the scriptures do say that we should have good language and that we should refrain from swearing as best as we can. He says that saying swear words and being profane isn’t what a worth priesthood holder should do and that we should do our best to not swear. 

  • Why I Joined the Mormon Church - Kwaku's Story

    22/05/2019 Duração: 19min

    Kwaku shares how his seeking for the truth lead to his conversion to the LDS Church.   Kwaku’s journey to becoming a Mormon started when he was a young kind in Cyprus, Texas. He visited different churches and asked many people what they thought the truth was but he still wasn’t able to find exactly what he was looking for.   During this time, Mitt Romney was running for President of the United States and “The Book of Mormon Musical” was really popular. So Mormons became the talk of the town where he was from.  He started working at a restaurant where he met a Mormon girl who eventually invited him to church with her.  At church he met the sister missionaries and began investigating the church. After he prayed about the Book of Mormon and came to learn of the Plan of Salvation and baptisms for the Dead, he knew that the LDS Church was the church of God on earth. He was baptized soon after.   What is your conversion story? Send us an Instagram DM or Facebook Message about how you knew t

  • Mormons and The Bible

    20/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    Mormons believe the Bible to be the word of God, as long as it is translated correctly. Mormons believe that the Bible is the first witness of Jesus Christ and The Book of Mormon is the second witness of Jesus Christ.   The Bible has been the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith, the prophet who restored the Church of Jesus Christ, grew up studying from the Bible. When he was questioning which church to join, he turned to the Bible and read James 1:5: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” It was this promise from the Bible that brought him to pray and receive the First Vision where he saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ.

  • BYU Date Rejection Stories

    17/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    In this episode, Saints Unscripted travel around BYU campus asking students about their worst date rejection stories!   These BYU date rejection stories have many different versions. Some say they were rejected by someone they asked out, others say they rejected someone who tried to go out with them, either way, it was a lot of rejection!   One Girl, who is a convert to the Mormon church, shared a story of a time when she tried to ask out two guys but they both rejected her.   Another student shared a story of when he asked out a girl that he was getting to know through one of his classes, but she ended up “friend-zoning” him.    These BYU date rejection stories might seem discouraging, but Saints Unscripted reminds us in this video, there are many other fish in the sea!

  • Al Fox Carraway, Mormon Conversion Story: Part 2

    15/05/2019 Duração: 07min

    Al Fox Carraway felt she didn’t need help from anyone, especially religion. That all changed when she met the Mormon missionaries.    Initially when Al met the Mormon missionaries, she told them she would live the LDS principles that she was being taught and prove that nothing would happen, that she wouldn’t receive any blessings.    After some time of doing this, Al’s friends noticed that she was changing and she seemed different. The only thing she was doing differently was that she was trying to prove the Mormon missionaries wrong. After this realization was made, she decided to investigate the LDS Church more fully.    A week before her 21st birthday, Al Fox Carraway was baptized into the Mormon Church and has seem so many beautiful blessings today because of that decision to follow Christ and his teachings.

  • Al Fox Carraway Talks About Being a Mormon Convert: Part 1

    13/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    Al Fox Carraway describes her experience on being a Mormon Convert. She Has many experiences that brought her to the LDS church and she shares them with Saints Unscripted.   Al Fox learned for herself that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the Church of God. She has had many experiences that have taught her that God is real and that He loves His children. Through her conversion, Al Fox has become a popular LDS figure and speaker and she even wrote her own book called the “Tattooed Mormon”!   Becoming converted to the LDS Church, Carraway talks about how her perspective on family completely changed. She shares that dating was difficult for her, but she was able to find her husband and is married and has two kids of her own and is a firm believer that families can be together forever.   Through her conversion, Al Fox learned new things like a “Ward” is a group of members, a “Stake” is not food, and how to sing hymns in church! These are some of the many new things about the

  • Funny Things Kids Say About Mom, Feat. Elijah and Lochlan

    10/05/2019 Duração: 11min

    Funny things kids say about their mom for Mother's Day. Saints Unscripted hosts Kwaku and Ian invite Elijah and Lochlan on the show to express their love for their moms on Mother's Day.    Lochlan is in Kindergarten and he loves to do math. He can solve some series equations and can dab like a pro. Also, he dressed like Luigi unintentionally for the show. Can he get more cool? Well, yes indeed. The second he starts talking, Ian melts. Lochlan says that he loves his mom (even though she just cooks "good enough"). He loves that she plays Ticket to Ride with him.   Elijah says that the most important thing he learned from his mom is to always tell the truth. Kwaku agrees that telling the truth is important except under certain conditions.   Kwaku says that his mom taught he to be inquisitive. He says that his mother encouraged him to embrace diversity. And lastly, Kwaku's mom is beautiful.    Moms, WE LOVE YOU! We love your strength, your wisdom, and your love. Have a spectacul

  • Who was Joseph Smith, Mormon Founder

    08/05/2019 Duração: 05min

    Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet and to restore Christ’s Church on the earth today.  Because of this he had to endure many difficult things to defend what he believed in. The 3 Mormons discuss his character and what kind of a person Joseph Smith Really was.  The Mormon Church has a history of many members who had to endure much hardship for what they believed in.  Being an LDS member wasn’t easy and many even died for their religion. It took real faith to believe in the Mormon church and the Prophet Joseph Smith.   Because Joseph Smith was called to restore to Mormon Church, he was given the power and authority to do many great things. He translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God, he was visited by angels, and he eventually died for what he believed.

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