Random talk.
Tips mengatur prioritas keuangan
06/07/2019 Duração: 09minGimana caranya aku bisa ngatur prioritas keuangan, dan cukup dengan gaji untuk kebutuhan saat ini dan masa depan --- Support this podcast:
Langkah awal investasi untuk pemula
01/07/2019 Duração: 11minBuat temen temen yang masih bingung milih investasi yang tepat, cara ngumpulin modalnya, instrumen, dan lain lain wajib dengerin! --- Support this podcast:
Orang kaya vs orang menengah
03/06/2019 Duração: 04minDisini aku share perbedaan mendasar antara orang kaya dan orang menengah, kamu termasuk ke golongan mana? Share ke temen2 kamu ya! --- Support this podcast:
7 langkah financial freedom
07/04/2019 Duração: 23minGimana caranya anak muda millenials generation bisa mencapai financial freedom? Jangan ciut, banyak yang umur 20an udah bisa mencapainya! --- Support this podcast:
Kdrama review
30/03/2019 Duração: 06minReviews about k drama that are exciting and fun!! --- Support this podcast:
Two types of assets: mental vs physical
30/03/2019 Duração: 09minKnow more about two types of assets and which one you need to collect first! --- Support this podcast:
Five feet apart movie review
24/03/2019 Duração: 09minYou should definitely watch this film to understand how to face your life and get back on your feet every time you fail! Prepare lots of tissue because you’ll definitely cry a lot like me HAHAHA --- Support this podcast:
5 financial levels
17/03/2019 Duração: 07minHere’s five financial levels that you should pass! Starting from level 1 to level 5, all have to be passed according to its timeline. NEVER skip a level and you’ll be doing great in the future --- Support this podcast:
7 sumber pemasukan milyoner!
17/03/2019 Duração: 14minApa saja sumber pemasukan kamu saat ini? Gaji saja sudah cukup? Tentu tidak! Untuk bisa jadi milyoner, kamu butuh punya 7 sumber pemasukan ini. Miliki dari sekarang! --- Support this podcast:
Properti: aset, investasi, atau beban?
17/03/2019 Duração: 09minProperti: aset, investasi, atau beban? Banyak yang masih suka bingung untuk cicil properti, dan properti yang kamu punya itu masuk kategori mana. Ini dia jawabannya! --- Support this podcast:
Finance & investasi untuk millenials pemula
14/03/2019 Duração: 27minDisini aku share tips2 finance dan investing yang mudah2an easy to understand dan applicable, temen2 bisa langsung praktekin dan prepare for a better future. Connect with me @jennitanuwijaya --- Support this podcast:
Curcol skripsweet
20/02/2019 Duração: 07minSemangat fighting for your own future! Yang lagi skripsi semangat, yang lagi memperjuangkan hal lain juga semangat --- Support this podcast:
Mia and the white lion
20/02/2019 Duração: 06minFilm review of mia and the white lion , must see for animal lovers! Subscribe for more film reviews --- Support this podcast: