Retirement Strategies Radio
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 16:55:01
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Not all financial advisors are qualified to help you prepare for retirement. As a fiduciary with more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, Darrell Bryant knows that people who are nearing retirement have needs that go above and beyond generic financial planning. He founded D. Bryant Retirement Strategies in Omaha, NE, to focus specifically on clients who are nearing the point of retirement, and those whove already reached that phase of life.
Making Social Security Simple
26/08/2019 Duração: 07minThe big question: When should you start collecting Social Security? Generally, the answer lies in what is considered your “full retirement age,” but that isn’t always what’s best for everyone. Darrell explains what factors you should consider in order to truly maximize your benefits, and how you can easily walk through the process by visiting: - and clicking on “When Should I Claim My Social Security.”
Stop Losing Tears & Taxes To Uncle Sam
19/08/2019 Duração: 09minMonopoly is a very competitive board game. Almost every family breaks out the box once or twice a year, but it can cause some minor arguments. Then there’s that other family member, “Uncle Sam,” who wants his share from all of us (on & off the Monopoly board). Darrell explains out the lessons we can take away from Monopoly and how to help minimize the taxes you pay on your real money!
Making Sure You Don't "Fowl Up" Your Nest Egg
12/08/2019 Duração: 06minWhich came first, the chicken or the egg? Darrell isn’t necessarily qualified to answer to that, but he is more than qualified to breakdown an analogy that compares our retirement assets to… chickens and eggs! This episode isn’t for those looking for highbrow wall street talk. It’s for those that worked hard to save and invest all these years, and need to use that portfolio to create a retirement income plan… that keeps feeding you (eggs) income.
Alleviating Economic Anxiety
05/08/2019 Duração: 10minWhat makes you nervous or anxious? Maybe spiders or public speaking? A recent survey finds that 60% of Americans feel anxious when they think about investing in the market… and they’re reluctant to invest because they worry about a potential crash. Darrell explains how you can remedy some of your investment fears and tackle other common retirement concerns. And to humor you, Darrell and Kristen reveal a few everyday scenarios that make them a little nervous.
Curing Your Financial Insomnia
29/07/2019 Duração: 10minIt’s no surprise that most Americans don’t get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. However, you may not know that 1-in-4 people admit they’re losing sleep because they’re concerned they may not have enough saved for the future. Darrell explains how having (and more importantly understanding) a good retirement income plan helps remedy “financial insomnia.” Plus, how you could be missing out on a larger piece of your income plan when it comes to social security.
Is It Time to Bubble Wrap Your Portfolio?
22/07/2019 Duração: 08minWe use bubble wrap to protect fragile items, and occasionally pop for fun! Wall street is on a 10-year bull run, but it hasn’t always been straight up. We’ve experienced volatility that has some investors wondering if it’s time to bubble wrap their investment portfolio. Darrell explains why you may want to consider making some changes and diversifying your portfolio for the long-term.
Winning In Retirement, Without The Lottery
01/07/2019 Duração: 09minWhat if you could figure out how to strategically boost your chances of winning the lottery? On this episode you’ll find out about a couple who did just that, but more importantly Darrell will explain how you can improve your odds of succeeding when it comes to creating your own winning retirement!
Men & Women Are From Mars, Wall Street Is From Venus
24/06/2019 Duração: 09minThe premise of the book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” is that there are inherent differences between the sexes. Is one of those differences the way they look at investing? And who has it right, men or women? We find out when Darrell talks about what’s been happening in the past week with his clients.
Our Favorite Lessons From Dad & Market History
17/06/2019 Duração: 11minDarrell reminisces about some of the important life lessons his dad taught him and how they impacted who he is today. Plus, he’ll breakdown the lessons we should have learned from wall street in the last 19 years. Sadly, many advisors didn’t learn from past recessions, but we’ll make sure you know what to watch out for.
Your 1st Paycheck & Increasing Your Paycheck In Retirement
10/06/2019 Duração: 10minWhat was your very 1st job? You’ll NEVER guess what Darrell’s 1st gig was as a teenager! For most of us who are still working, wages have remained stagnant despite the stronger job market. We can’t control when - or even if - we receive a raise at work. However, Darrell explains how we CAN control raising our own income in retirement.
The Good, Bad & Ugly of Pensions
03/06/2019 Duração: 12minWe keep hearing about America’s “pension crisis.” Darrell will break down what this scary headline means for the millions of Americans depending on pensions to fund their future. And if you don’t have a pension, listen to find out how you can create your own pension-like income plan for yourself.
Unexpected Ways To Retire & Unexpected Expenses
27/05/2019 Duração: 15minWhether it’s cooking, cleaning or running errands, most of us are going to need a little extra support as we get older. Is retiring to a Holiday Inn the answer? Find out how and why one man is doing that. Plus, a trip down memory lane serves as an important lesson about how inflation can deplete your portfolio much faster than you realize.
Understanding Risk & The China Trade War
20/05/2019 Duração: 15minConsidering the market reaction to trade tensions with China, Darrell talks about how you should approach your portfolio. He’ll also go through how and why investors over age 55 should balance their risk now, and when market conditions drastically change.
Tucker Carlson
13/05/2019 Duração: 15minFrom our nation’s capital, Darrell is on the set of FOX News Channel's “Tucker Carlson Tonight!” Tucker talks about his career, how regular people feel about the current political climate, what’s really happening in Washington, how all of the current headlines impact our personal economy, and his latest book “Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution.”
How To Not Dread Dealing With Your Dollars
29/04/2019 Duração: 10minCountless surveys cite that people dread addressing their personal finances. Darrell will explain why that isn’t necessarily the case, and how the planning he does often reduces his client’s stresses about money, and can sometimes create the opportunity for new adventures!
Leakage & Your 401k
22/04/2019 Duração: 12minIt’s a decision many of us are faced with, at some point in our careers: What you do with your 401(k) when you change or leave a job. Darrell will address what some are referring to as “401(k) leakage,” and why that isn’t a problem for his clients. Plus, a jaw dropping story about how younger generations often have no grasp of basic math due to technology.
Why You Need a Financial Spring Cleaning
15/04/2019 Duração: 10minThe onset of spring and fresh air outside means it’s time for spring cleaning inside. This is also the perfect time of year for a financial fresh start! Darrell has tips on what to ask your current advisor to complete your own “Financial Spring Cleaning,” and how much that cleaning could impact your long-term economic success.
Give Yourself Permission To Retire
07/04/2019 Duração: 09min4 years into retirement, late night host David Letterman feels he should have retired sooner. Are you possibly in a similar situation? Darrell will tell a few real-life stories of clients that realized they should have (and could have) retired sooner, and how he helped them emotionally get there.
Is Estate Planning Only For The Wealthy
01/04/2019 Duração: 05minIn this brief episode, Darrell will clarify the difference between a will and a trust. He’ll also explain why an estate plan isn’t just for the ultra-wealthy.
The Truth About The "A" Word - Annuities
25/03/2019 Duração: 11minWhat do you need to watch out for if you have, or are shopping for an annuity? Is an annuity something you should have as part of your portfolio? Darrell will tell a surprising story of what he uncovered for one couple recently.