Silver Creek Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Listen here for the most recent sermons from Silver Creek Church!


  • Uncommon Availability


    Today Pastor Kevin and special guests, Madison and Claudia Ngafeeson, share some exciting stories from their recent trip to Cameroon. Their ministry was made possible through the Kingdom Builders giving and prayers of Silver Creek Church! Finally, they share how we can be used by God even ithrough things that seem insignificant at the time if we make ourselves available!

  • From Importance to Significance


    We can learn a lot about positioning oursleves in a position to be used by God as we continue to look at Extraordinary Nobodies. Just like Esther, we can find ourselves in a position of importance, but we are unsure why we are there and what it could mean. Just as Esther's obedience and sensitivity to what God was doing saved the lives of her people, we too can be used by God in mighty ways, right where we are today!

  • Sincerely Yours


    Today our Extraordinary Nobody is someone that is only mentioned in Scripture once, yet her legacy is one that far outreached what we would have guessed! Eunice raised her son Timothy to love and honor God and as a result he found himself among other great men of God like Paul! In fact, Paul tells Timothy that he remembers the faith that lived in Eunice! In that culture, she was a nobody, yet she served God where she was at and her obedience went on to impact the lives of many people! The point is this - wherever you find yourself today, your position is significant and God desires to use you in His plan for the masses, just like Eunice!

  • The High Price of Success


    As we begin our series looking at some of the unlikely heroes in the Bible, we begin with the story of Bezalel in the book of Exodus. God had instructed Moses in the construction of the Tabernacle but He also had a role for Bezalel! He wasn't who you would have guessed God would have called on - after all, he was a tradesperson! We are reminded that God puts us in a specific place for a specific reason, regardless of how insignificant we feel at the time! He has a plan and wants to engage us in that plan!

  • The Most Important One


    As we conclude our July Sermon Series, we look at what Jesus tells us is the most important commandment found in Scripture - to love God with all your strength and to love others as yourself. While it sounds easy enough, there are times it can be difficult! However, Jesus gave us the perfect example for how we ought to live out His love in our lives!

  • In The Name


    Baptism plays an important role in our lives as Christ followers - it's a public declaration of what God has done and is doing within us! Today we look at what baptism is and isn't and are challenged by Scripture to consider not only what it means for us but how we can live out Jesus' commands!

  • As I Have Done For You


    Jesus commands us to do some very specific things throughout Scripture, but He shows us the example of Him living the way that He commands us to live. This morning we look at how Jesus served those around Him and how we are commanded to do the very same!

  • In Remembrance of Me


    We're all forgetful, aren't we? There are times in life that we all deal with forgetting something important! This morning Pastor Mike Murray encourages to remember the importance and truth of communion. We see Jesus also tell us about our need to participate in communion as a way to remember and honor His sacrifice for us!

  • Share Your Story


    We all have a unique story of God at work in our lives, even when we can't see that story unfolding! Today, we're reminded that we do have a story, it's still being written and that we have a responsibility to share our story with others!

  • Follow Hard


    As we continue to look at the "Basics", Pastor Kevin reminds us that's easy to overlook those initial building blocks in our spiritual lives and instead look towards the bigger, more exciting elements of our walk with Jesus. We're reminded however, that before a baby can walk, it must first crawl. It's the same in our spiritual lives - we can't forget the basics of seeking God that lay the groundwork for the future!

  • Create a Legacy


    As we celebrate dads today, we take time to look at the importance of the legacy that we each create and leave to our families. Creating a godly legacy doesn't happen on purpose and it isn't easy, but it's worth it! Pastor Kevin welcomes a few special guests to share about what it can look like to create a legacy!

  • Make a Difference


    This week Madison Ngafeeson challenged us to make a difference in our world, our families and in our community! We were reminded that until God introduced Jesus as a correcting force into our lost world, we were headed for destruction. Not only did Jesus provide salvation for us, but He also shows us that we too, can make a difference in the lives of those around us in His name!

  • Stay Engaged


    This morning we begin our June series, "Basics" by going back to some of the foundational elements that should be applied to our lives as Christ followers! Pastor Kevin starts us off reminding us that we have a commission to "Stay Engaged" to the church body! There are times where it's easy to check out for a little bit while we travel or rest, but there are things we miss out on when we don't prioritize being engaged in His church!

  • Honor Those Who Sacrificed


    We know, perhaps better than most, that freedom isn't free. Our earthly freedom has been bought by the lives of the men and women who have sacrificed the ultimate price for us. Our spiritual and heavenly freedom was bought with with the blood of Jesus! This morning, as we honor the fallen, we look at several spriritual correlations and an incredible story of a man who sacrificed more than most to save more than most did!

  • Honor Your Parents


    There are times that we feel honor is something that must be earned, but we read in Scripture several places that it is commanded of us. The commandment to honor our father and mother can be difficult for some of us, depending on the relationship we have with our parents. This morning, Pastor Kevin challenges us with several ways that you can be reminded of to "Honor Your Parents" even when it's something that may not come easily!

  • Mother's Day


    This morning we welcome Aimee Tippen as our special Mother's Day guest speaker! Aimee is the Teaching Pastor at North Ridge Church in Marshfield, WI. Aimee shares her story of motherhood and specifically, mothering through brokenness. Our prayer is that you would experience Godly encouragement as her story is one that can challenge all who listen! We see through Aimee's life and others like Paul, that God desires to use our brokenness for His glory!

  • Honor God


    This morning we begin our May sermon series "Honor Bound" with a message about honoring God. Pastor Kevin looks at a number of reason as to why we are called to show honor to God and why it has nothing to do with anything He's ever done but rather because of who He is! Our prayer is that we all would be challenged to look for even more ways to live out honor towards God in our lives!

  • Before His Departure


    As we conclude our April Series we look at the the final hours "Before His Departure." Before ascending into Heaven, Jesus spent time visiting His friends and disciples and took time to encourage them and tell them what to expect in the future! That future entailed instructions on His Great Commission to spread the gospel far and wide! His final promise to His followers was to return again - not in the timetable they would have liked or hoped for, but they were spurred on by His instructions and promise for the future!

  • In the Tomb


    As we celebrate the miracle and freedom that comes with Easter, Pastor Kevin shares a message called "In the Tomb". It's important to realize that there was a great deal of verifiable facts about the death and resurrection of Jesus that even the Roman government couldn't refute! The most important fact is what the angel said to the women in Matthew 28:6 - "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." Our God has risen from the grave and forgiven of us of all sin in the process!

  • Of the Passion


    As we approach Easter, we take time to look at the final moments of the Passion of Christ. Throughout those final days and hours, Jesus said some amazing things that truly expressed His love and devotion to each and every one of us! As we remember His sacrifice, we must remember how He carried Himself during such an indescribable experience.

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