Silver Creek Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Listen here for the most recent sermons from Silver Creek Church!


  • Among His Friends


    As the month of April arrives, so does our April Sermon Series, "The Final Hours". Throughout the month, we will be looking at Jesus final days and moments here on earth before His death on the cross! There is much to be learned and taken from this period of Jesus' life and this morning, Pastor Mike Murray looks at Jesus' final moments "Among His Friends". We see how Jesus came to serve those around Him, including those who called Him master.

  • Keep Swinging


    This morning as we wrap our our "Destined to Dream" we look at the story of King Jehoash in 2 Kings. This story shows us God's plan to use Jehoash to completely defeat the Arameans but that plan didn't come to completion due to some actions by the king. We look at how God is already at work, even before He calls us to do something, how we can't afford to take shortcuts and even when we fail, that God is still merciful! In the end, we need to "Keep Swinging"!

  • Wrecked!


    There are times where God will place a dream in our hearts with some specific, less than comfortable steps that must be taken along the way. This morning we look at Isaiah and how the dream he was given by God helped provide some necessary steps for the the Israelites to follow as they worked their way back to God. Sometimes we have to experience some testing times to put us in the right position for those God dreams to come to fruition!

  • Man on a Mission


    Throughout Scripture we see that God uses dreams in various ways. Some dreams were used as warnings while others were a means of communicating to his Old Testament prophets. The same way some were to disclose a personal future destiny or as a way for God to answer requests or prayers like God did for Solomon. This morning we look at the dream that God gave to Peter and how specifically He directed Peter as it pertained to His plan! Peter's dream was challenging to Him but God proved Himself in a way that Peter could follow with no real hesitation! He realized that God had positioned him in a place to act!

  • Almost Dead


    While looking at God dreams given to people throughout scripture, it's hard to miss the dream that God had given to Abraham and Sarah to have a son. It's said that there were multiple times where they both laughed when they heard God's intention to give them a child and could you blame them? After all they were closer to death than they should have been to raising a child! Regardless of what they thought, God came through with the dream He gave to them and we too can be challenged by their story!

  • Dare to Dream


    Dreams can take different forms throughout our lives - some happen while we're sleeping, others are in fact the desires of our heart for our lives and the lives of others and finally dreams can be God given direction and vision! This month we will be looking at a number of dreams that God gave to people in Scripture and how those dreams came to pass! This morning we look at a number of dreams that occurred around the life of Joseph and how God used Joseph to interpret them and to help them come to pass!

  • From Regrets to Resolutions


    God has the desire to take us from where we are to where He has planned for us. However, there are times where we find ourselves in a place where we cannot fathom God still having the desire to use us. Part of God's plan for each of us is to be restored with Him and whatever situation, habit or place we find ourselves in at the moment is never too far to experience His forgiveness and acceptance. This morning we look at the book of Joel as we see God's restorative desires at play!

  • True to Plumb


    In Amos we see God use some interesting terminology as God spoke to Amos about some things He planned to do in relation to the Israelites. Ultimate, God used the term "plumb line" to illustrate the fact that we have been given something true in our lives to use as a tool to see how our lives line up to God's intention. Pastor Kevin looks at how Scripture is in fact how we can gauge our lives in accordance to God's plan for us!

  • Open Up the Gates


    God's desire it to bless each and every one of us and as we follow Him closer and closer, those blessings become more evident in our lives! Once we realize that all we have comes from God and that He want to use those resources He's given us for even more, we are challenged to open up our hearts for that 'more'!

  • Some Assembly Required


    This morning we begin our February sermon series called "Major in the Minors" that looks at big lessons that can be learned from the Minor Prophets in Scripture. Today, Pastor Kevin shares a message called "Some Assembly Required" and looks at how as Christ followers we too require a little assembly to get us to the place God has for each of us!

  • Strategic Focus


    As we aim to be Kingdom Builders, we have to understand that it will take some "Strategic Focus" on our part. This morning Pastor Kevin lays out 4 things that we must do to play an effective role as a Kingdom Builder!

  • Build Battle


    Nehemiah was faced with more than just an uphill battle -- in fact a "Build Battle." As we endeavor to become "Kingdom Builders" we will encounter difficulties like Nehemiah did. Pastor Kevin looks at several important things that we can learn from Nehemiah's story as it pertains building the Kingdom of God!

  • Keys of the Kingdom


    As we look to be Kingdom Builders, Pastor Kevin takes some time to look at several Keys of the Kingdom that Jesus lays out for us in Scripture. Be encouraged as we aim to grow together and to grow the Kingdom of God!

  • Whose Side Are You On?


    This morning Pastor Kevin begins our January Sermon Series "Kingdom Builders" with a message called "Whose Side Are You On?" Before we start to build a kingdom, we first need to understand that there are two kingdoms! There is the Kingdom of Heaven and of this world! Pastor Kevin challenges us in a few areas as it pertains to building God's Kingdom!

  • It's A Wonderful Life


    This week we wrap up our "Christmas at the Movies" series by looking at the iconic Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life"! Pastor Kevin spends time highlighting some of the key elements from the movie while looking at 6 lessons we can learn from it!

  • A Christmas Carol


    This morning we look at the Christmas classic, "A Christmas Carol" and learn from the experiences of Mr. Scrooge! At the end of the day we are reminded that part of our responsibility as the church is to help care for those in need and we can learn from the torment Scrooge experienced as he pursued selfish gain!

  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas


    This week we begin our December Sermon Series called "Christmas at the Movies" and all throughout the month we will look at different Christmas movies and some of the the connections that can be drawn to the birth and Jesus! This morning Pastor Kevin looks at the story of the Grinch and compares it to the role of King Herod in the birth of Jesus. We're challenged to look at some of the opposition Herod had to Jesus and decide whether or not those same feelings our in our own lives!

  • Answer the Question


    When we ask go through difficult times in our lives, it seems people around us are all too willing to help us "understand" what is going on. Often times their intention may come from the right place but they actually discourage us from drawing closer to God during those times. This morning, Pastor Kevin shares a message called "Answer the Question". Sometimes after asking "Why Me?" we're left looking for the answer!

  • Shipwrecked


    We know that we all experience those situations in life that make tempt us to ask, "Why Me?" Ultimately, those questions are brought on by pressure we experience in life! This morning we look at the life of Paul and some of the things we can learn from his life and the pressure that he experienced when he was shipwrecked on the island of Malta!

  • For Your Consideration


    We've all asked the question, "Why Me?" It could be at work or just in life, but this question usually follows some sort of difficulties in life. this morning we start to look at this question through the life of Job. Difficulty and pain are an unfortunate part of life but Job shows us how to make it through those times even stronger than before they occurred!

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