Silver Creek Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Listen here for the most recent sermons from Silver Creek Church!


  • Greater Engagement


    As we pursue the Greater Things that God has for each and every one of us, we must also go after Greater Engagement with God! Today we look at the story of Gideon and learn from how he was willing to engage with the difficult challenge that God laid out before him!

  • Greater Reach


    As we pursue the Greater Things God has for each and every one of us, a key component is to develop Greater Reach. This morning Pastor Kevin outlines why we must reach up, reach in and reach out as part of our spiritual growth!

  • Greater Faith


    Faith can seem like a funny thing - believing in someone or something that you can't necessarily see or comprehend. This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at Abraham and Sarah, who were promised a son, even though they were both over 100 years old! Talk about needing to have faith in the promises of God! We learn from their situation how we can develop Greater Faith in our own lives!

  • Greater Vision


    As we start our October sermon series, "Greater Things", we begin with a message called "Greater Vision". We believe that God has even greater things for each and every one of us - in our lives, relationships, families and in our church! Greater Vision gives us passion and a desire to follow what God has laid on our hearts!

  • I Will Lead


    Jesus was the first person to ever talk about the church and in reality, it was an amazing gift that He gave to us! This morning we look at what the church is and should be and what our role is within the church!

  • I Will Pray


    Prayer is one of the most important tools that we have at our disposal for life as a Christ follower but it's often times underutilized! This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at several of the benefits of prayer in our lives and the life of the church!

  • I Will Defer


    This morning we look at some things that can prove to be important as it pertains to our involvement in and relationship with the church. Jesus gave us some instructions and guidance on what our role in the church should be and the benefits of being involved in spreading the hope of Christ! The question is this - will you defer to Jesus' vision for the church and leave behind things that may hold it back?

  • I Will Unify


    Unity is one of the most impactful and powerful traits of how Christ created the church. This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at the importance of unity within the church and at some of the things that can affect that unity negatively. We have the opportunity to choose to be united in what God is calling us to do!

  • I Will Function


    This morning we begin our September sermon series "I Will" and Pastor Kevin began with a message called "I Will Function". Today we look at the function of Jesus as it pertains to the church and what our function is within the church as well! Ultimately, we should be encouraged and humbled to understand that our function is to take the church to a world that needs Jesus!

  • NMU Sunday


    It's fair to say that Jesus' disciples were considered ambassadors for him. They were at his side, carrying out ministry with Him and even were able to speak on His behalf. This morning Pastor Mike Murray challenges us to look at ourselves as Christ's ambassadors with three easy steps to put us in the right place to do just that! It's a Scriptural mandate that God has for each and every one of us regardless of age, our job or whether or not we feel qualified to do it!

  • Voices


    All day every day, we are plagued with voices. Some tell us that we will never be good enough while others tell us we are a worthless failure. There are times though where it seems like the voices are our own, when in fact they are not! This morning, Pastor Kevin encourages us with ways to deal with these voices when we encounter them!

  • Why?


    When things go wrong, often times our first response is to ask God "Why?" While it's a natural reaction, it certainly doesn't help our situation! This week, Pastor Kevin looks at some important things to remember when we are experiencing situations that make us ask, "Why?"

  • God's Strategy


    As we think about what God wants to do in our families, communities and around the world, it's easy to assume that He has someone else in mind to make it happen. This morning, Madison shares with us that WE are in fact God's strategy! As St. Augustine put it, "Without God, man cannot, and without man, God will not." Our prayer is that you would be encouraged as you realize that we are God's plan to reach our world!

  • Reach Together


    We wrap up our July series with a message called "Reach Together" taking time to look at the role we each have as Christ followers to reach our community! The good part is were not alone and it's not as scary as it may sound! We are so much more impactful when we Reach Together!

  • Grow Together


    Everything that God as created is meant to grow! On the other side of that is this thought - if something isn't growing, it's dying. God designed each of us to grow, both physically and spiritually. This morning we looked at the fact that if we're not growing spiritually, we're dying spiritually. It's something that we all face, so we should be growing together! Be challenged as we sort out this issue of growth!

  • Connect Together


    This morning we spend some time looking in Scripture at our need to connect with one another! If church is and should be a place where we all belong, it's going to involve being connected with people along the way! God's design for our lives is not have go through life alone, but with each other!

  • Give Together


    Giving can be a difficult subject to touch on in the Church, but the fact is that Jesus talked a lot about it throughout His life! This morning we take a look at the subject of giving and take time to debunk some believes that we may have had with regards to giving! At the end of the day we must remember that we give out of what we've already been given and must remember where our source is found!

  • Come Together


    There is a scientific acknowledgement that being in church is beneficial to each of us! Throughout Scripture, we receive instruction for to be connected and committed to God's church! This morning, we look at some of the benefits of being part of a church family the way God intended!

  • How Can I Get Home?


    The story of the Prodigal is one of redemption and is truly applicable to each and every one of us! This morning we look a question that the son must have asked himself at one point or another - "How Can I Get Home?" This question ultimately represents the question that we may ask ourselves about how we will be able to get back to the place God has for us! We pray you are encouraged and challenged this morning through this message of returning home!

  • How Much Am I Worth?


    This morning Pastor Kevin looks at the story of the woman who lost a silver coin and all that she did to recover it! The comparison is simple - the way she searched for the coin and how she rejoiced when she finally found the coin is much like how God searches for us when we are far from Him and His response when we are brought back! God is actively pursuing each and every one of us passionately!

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