Silver Creek Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Listen here for the most recent sermons from Silver Creek Church!


  • How Did I Get Here?


    Jesus spoke in parables to get a complex idea across to the person who had not been exposed to religious teachings like the Pharisees had experienced. This morning we look at the Parable of the Lost Sheep in which Jesus explains to us just how much He cares about us and will never give up on us!

  • The Repeat Offender


    Moses was the picture of a failure! We see that though he failed several times throughout his life and leadership God still had a plan to use him in a mighty way! As we learn today from the Moses' life there are things we need to come away with when we experience failure. One of those things is that God still wants to use us for His glory!

  • The Glutton


    Samson had an appetite, but not the kind that we may be thinking of. He was always walking a line that was dangerously close to or slightly over the line. That being said, we see from his life, that God was able to use him mightily whether he was honoring God or not. In fact, God used Samson even in his death to accomplish His purpose.

  • The Miss Leader


    There are times where we can be tempted to believe that God can't used us based off who we are or what we've done. That could not be further from the truth. John tells the story of Jesus speaking with the woman at the well, who despite her "Epic Fails", was used by God after Jesus demonstrated His power to her! Her life can be defined by her comeback from those failures!

  • The Quitter


    This morning we began our May Sermon Series, called "Epic Fails"! Throughout this series we will look at a number of Bible character who were used by God even though they experienced some incredible times of failure! Today we look at the life of Mark who quit on Paul and Barnabas but was still used by God in the recording of Scripture and other areas in his life. It's proof that no matter what, God can use us, even if we've been labeled a quitter!

  • The Promised Gift


    As we look at the exponential growth of the early church, one thing can be said - it didn't have much to do with them. Yes, they were all in. Yes, some even paid with their lives. The fact remains - if God was not at work, they would have not succeeded! Along with the Great Commission, Jesus left His disciples the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to empower and strengthen them to spread the good news! That gift is available to each of us today as it was for His disciples!

  • All Together


    We we look at the exponential growth of the early church, this morning we look at how it was in part due to their desire to be "All Together". They were part of a growing family and they cared for and treated each other along those lines. This morning we're challenged to make every effort to be all together in life, ministry and what God is calling us to!

  • Answer the Call


    Throughout Scripture, we see story after story of people who answered the call that God made in their lives! Sometimes that call put them in a position that made them uncomfortable or in harms way, but in the end they were part of God's plan! This morning we are challenged to see if we are willing to go "All In" on the call that God has put on our lives!

  • Ultimate Buy In


    This morning we begin our April Sermon Series "All In" with a message from Pastor Kevin called "Ultimate Buy In". As we look at how the church exploded following the death and resurrection of Jesus, it's easy to see that it was because Jesus' followers bought into who Jesus was! Some of these men were so committed to the cause of Christ that they were willing to give their lives up for it! That is being all in!

  • What Are the Chances?


    He is Risen! This Easter, we look a little at chances - specifically what are the chances that everything that was prophesied about Jesus could actually have come true! While the odds weren't in favor of those prophecies, God was! Pastor Kevin shares some personal experience to connect us with a simple truth - if we're still here on earth, then God isn't finished with us! We pray you are encouraged and challenged this Easter to take a look at your own chances of an eternity in Heaven!

  • Flip or Flop


    As we wrap up our "Fixer Upper" series, Pastor Kevin shares a message that is meant to challenge each and every one of us! Often times we are ready to go and fix up someone else who may need it, but how often are we willing to see that we are the ones who need to be flipped? The answer to that question is more often then we care to admit!

  • Extreme Makeover


    After the death of Jesus, He experienced an Extreme Makeover! There are some parts about that makeover that don't make sense to us at first but we see that Jesus knew what His disciples needed! He knew the Thomas needed to see the holes in His hands and side to believe! The truth is that in all of Jesus' relationships, Jesus always put in more than He got out! This morning, Pastor Preston Tippen challenges us to have at least one relationship that is for the benefit of another person while practicing hospitality!

  • Love It or List It


    Sometimes as it pertains to relationships, we feel like we're forced to "Love It or List It". Sometimes it seems like we have to be all in on a relationship or cut it loose! While it can feel that way, Jesus modeled for us that some relationships we must fight for while not allowing the negative aspects of them gain a foundation in our own lives. This morning's message should encourage you if you're wondering which relationships to love and which you should list.

  • Rehab Addict


    This morning we began our March sermon series called "Fixer Upper"! Throughout the month we are looking at relationships - specifically some of the relationships we have that could use some work! Our sermon title today is called "Rehab Addict". This popular show aims to bring houses back to the way they were intended when they were originally constructed! Along the same lines, some of our relationships need to be restored, while others we may need to move on from! At the end of the day, God is in the rehab business and we are proof of that!

  • Advancement


    This morning we wrap up our "Shift" series with a message titled "Advancement". Dr. Madison Ngafeeson shares with us the importance to advance ahead in the midst of change. Looking at Jeremiah 29:11, we are challenged to remember that in Christ our future is bright, our past is cleansed, and our today is full of possibility!

  • Resistant


    Change is challenging, but often times our reaction to a change that will bring about good is the same as a change that will bring about something bad. But why is that? For whatever reason, we resist almost anything new or different, but we're left with a choice. Are we going to present the issue that we have as humans to God, to allow more of His best in our lives, or are we going to continue to struggle to avoid any type of shift? Our prayer is that we can work towards removing our natural resistance to the things of God!

  • Development


    Our February sermon series is "Shift" and at the core of that series, we are looking at changing parts of our life in order to make room for God's best! This morning we look at our need to develop certain areas in our lives to make more room for God's plan and to keep us focused on Him! Development isn't always easy or fun but it's always worth it! We pray that you are encouraged to look at developing some of these areas of your life!

  • Transformation


    As we begin our February sermon series, "Shift", we begin with a look at what transformation can look like in our lives. If we're making room for God's best to take place our lives, then some things are going to have to change and by the end of that process, we may be a whole new person! Pastor Mike Murray kicks off February with a message called "Transformation"!

  • More Room


    It we want God's best for us, we have to make more room - plain and simple. That doesn't matter if we want God's best for our personal lives or for His church! This morning, special guest Madison Ngafeeson challenges us to look at making more room for the best of God!

  • More Reach


    This morning we welcome special guest Dr. Howard Young as he continues in our January sermon series with a message called "More Reach"! Our reach increases not only as we invest more time and resources but more of ourselves! Allow yourself to be encouraged today to give more of yourself!

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