Pneuma Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 27:07:25
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Revd Michael Angley Ogwuche is a preacher of the Gospel since 1987. He believes the Bible is Gods word and therefore sees it as an indispensable critical tool for the navigation of this circumference call Earth. He also believes that the Gospel should not be circumscribed by any means but must be preached through every channel including PODCAST. (Isaiah 61:1)


  • The Reason for Pentecost - 09:06:2019, 13.09

    09/06/2019 Duração: 22min

    Based on (Acts 2:1-21) “The Reason for Pentecost” podcast invites us to reflect on Pentecost and what is remarkable about the phenomenon that transformed the whole meaning of this Jewish feast from being exclusive to an inclusive festival that is now celebrated, experienced and adhered to all over the world today. My understanding is that Pentecost or Pentecostalism is a denomination or a sect but an experience every believer in Christ should have.

  • Freedom from Slavery - 03:06:2019, 14.22

    03/06/2019 Duração: 26min

    Based on (Acts 16:16-34) “Freedom from Slavery” invites listeners to consider the key characters in the passage namely, the slave girl, her owners and the jailer and the lessons we are able to learn from the story. I observe that all three of these characters are slaves of some sort and desperately needed to be freed from slavery. The fact that they are unaware that they are being held captive in one way, or the other does not mean they are not prisoners or slaves.Our God knows how to get his message across, not in the way that we will like to see but in his own way, therefore, all of these happenings were His arrangement, to fulfil this mission.

  • The Fountain of living waters - 31:05:2019, 18.14

    31/05/2019 Duração: 22min

    Based on (Ezekiel 47:1-12) “The Fountain of living waters “calls listeners to reflect on the importance of water in our lives and help us draw spiritual insights that will enable us share in Prophet Ezekiel’s vision of the miraculous formation of some bodies of water that grew from his ankle, knee, and waist until it was deep enough to swim in, and then it rose to a point where he could not cross it. In the same way the Lord Jesus Christ also use the analogy of water in (John 4: 13-14) inviting everyone to come and drink and he in turn will make that person a fountain of living water. I pray that we will all share in this wonderful experiences in Jesus’ Name Amen.

  • A catalyst for spiritual things - 26:05:2019, 17.53

    26/05/2019 Duração: 19min

    Base on (Acts 16:9-15) “A Catalyst for Spiritual Things” invites listeners of this podcast to consider the examples of Lady Lydia, Europe’s premier Christian convert and how the writer of Luke’s Gospel aptly described her as “a worshiper of God”, because of her openness and willingness to the things of God. Also, Paul and his companion’s operation of the spiritual gift of discernment, their intentionality and obedience to the command of the Holy Spirit in matters of mission. All of these elements together became the catalyst for what was to happen in Europe centuries later. May God bless the listeners.

  • Let there be light - 23:05:2019, 21.43

    23/05/2019 Duração: 17min

    Based on Genesis 1:1-5 and John 1:1-5 “Let there be light” invites listeners to consider the importance of light in their world. Light is so important to all of God’s creation, this is why one of the first and most important word God spoke at creation was “let there be light”, let there be light so that creation, (the universe in its entirety) will come alive because God is light, there is no darkness in him. God is using us as his reflection in the darkness of this world so that men and women will come to embrace him because, in the first instance, without a pronounced darkness, there cannot be light at all. Shalom!

  • Answering the call to rest - 19:05:2019, 18.12

    19/05/2019 Duração: 17min

    Based on 2 Samuel 7:11-14a and Mark 6:30-34, “Answering the call to rest” invites Christians to consider the subject of rest which seem to be far away for many.Rest is so important to God that the scripture said he rested and now he promised King David, his servant rest from all his troubles, his kingdom will be established on earth through his progeny and eternally through Jesus Christ. We too need to revisit the ‘Sabbath Principle’ of slowing down and finding daily and weekly times of personal retreat, this will help us unburden the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fatigue we needlessly carry about. I pray that this podcast helps you to consider rest in Jesus’ Name Amen.

  • A call to walk on water - 17:05:2019, 00.00

    16/05/2019 Duração: 23min

    A call to walk on water, based Matthew 14:22-33, invites us to consider our Christian walk with God as we are called to do impossible things by faith however, we must endeavour to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ who is the Author and Finisher of our faith in the first instance and this includes every aspects of our lives. This is how we learn to step out into the storm-tossed sea and fall back on our faith in Christ to make it through which is the whole point of being a disciple of Christ.

  • Journey into the Unknown updated - 08:05:2019, 07.27

    08/05/2019 Duração: 23min

    Journey into the Unknown (Joshua 3: 7-17)Each day of our lives, like the Children of Israel we are invited to take the journey into the unknown. It may be that you are at the cusp of a new expedition in your life and seeking to properly and sincerely navigate your way through it and you are uncertain of what the outcome might be in a few years from now because the dynamics of your present circumstance. But friend learn from Joshua and the others, they followed the instruction if you do so you too need not fear because the one who asked you to embark on the journey is already there. I pray that the Lord bless you.

  • Paul’s Defining Moment - 05:05:2019, 17.55

    05/05/2019 Duração: 20min

    Based on Acts 9:1-20 “Paul’s Defining Moment” invites us to consider the intriguing account of Saul an enthusiastic persecutor of Christian believers, in fact, he could be aptly described in contemporary term as a terrorist and a licenced killer in the name of religion, this was evident in his active participation in the crude execution of Stephen one of the seven deacons who became the first Christian martyr but all these for Saul was his defining moment. He was transformed from being a Pharisaic Jew to being a Messianic Jew, that experience changed his world and that of others forever and us by extension. I pray that this podcast blesses you.

  • The efficacy of Prayer - 02:05:2019, 19.35

    02/05/2019 Duração: 27min

    Based on 1 Samuel 1:1-20 ‘The efficacy of Prayer’ invites listeners to reflect on the story of Hannah. The book of Samuel begins at a critical time in Israel’s history, a time of transition between the judges and the kings. It was a period of disorderliness however, 1 Samuel is an amazing book, it is full of some eccentric characters, battles and heroes, romance and treachery, deception and conspiracy. By today’s standard it is an action-pack narrative on par with Hollywood box office success stories. The part of the story we are looking at today begins with Hannah, (literally means Grace) a woman in pain, someone who recognised God and brought her pain to Him in prayer. Hannah’s story teaches us that God accomplishes his purposes through prayer. This wholehearted prayer brought about the much-needed change in Israel. I pray that the story will bring change in your life too.

  • Determination and faithfulness - 28:04:2019, 19.57

    28/04/2019 Duração: 20min

    Based on Ruth 1: 1-18 Determination and faithfulness, calls listeners to reflect on the uncommon act of determination and faithfulness exhibited by this exceptional Moabite woman Ruth and her Mother-in-law Naomi and how the simple act of faithfulness to each other helped them to overcome their tripartite bereavement and desperation story, and as they found hope for the future. This may be your story too. I pray that this podcast blesses you.

  • The Ultimate Pilgrim - 25:04:2019, 17.15

    25/04/2019 Duração: 26min

    “The Ultimate Pilgrim” based on Hebrews 11:13-16, invites Christians to consider who we are on this very important pilgrimage here on earth as it is so easy to forget this fact especially when we allow ourselves to be overtaken by the events of this life and as a result we have the propensities to make light of this great privilege to be counted as followers of Jesus Christ. The word “pilgrim” means that we are “foreigners, strangers, travellers, and homeless wanderers, this is who we are and that is how God sees us and we should also see ourselves in that way too. I pray that God bless those who will spare their time to listen to this podcast.

  • The Bread for the Journey Man - 22:04:2019, 19.07

    22/04/2019 Duração: 14min

    Based on Exodus 16:1-6 and John 6:25-35 “The Bread for the Journey Man” invites you to consider the planet’s most recognised and loved food (Bread). We have been eating bread for such a long time, but sometimes it is hard to understand how this cherished food attained its coveted status to the extent that Jesus Christ chose the correlation of bread of all food available in his day to make his point. Jesus said, he is the Bread of life and therefore, this podcast concludes that the journey man must eat bread to stay alive because it is satisfying for the one who is hungry.

  • What is good about Good Friday? - 19:04:2019, 16.57

    19/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    Based on Matthew 16:21-25, “What is good about Good Friday” calls us to reflect on this Christian holiday of the inglorious crucifixion of Jesus Christ at Calvary as a process of achieving the glorious resurrection on Sunday. To be a Christian is to accept and embrace Good Friday, but embracing Good Friday is nothing short of accepting suffering and torture in principle. We know that an invitation to suffer is never attractive in any form or shape especially in a world that is susceptible to immoderation but that is the message of Good Friday.

  • The Future lies ahead not in the past - 17:04:2019, 22.39

    17/04/2019 Duração: 18min

    The Future lies ahead not in the past is based on Exodus 6:1-7. Sometimes we act as if our future lies in the past and we reminisce nostalgically. For 400 years the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt and all they knew was oppression by Egypt’s rulers, they worked and worked, there was no rest. They prayed and prayed, until the only words they could manage was “Lord please deliver us!” Finally, God answered their prayer of deliverance, but within a short time of this new found freedom, the liberated Israelites began to long for the past instead of looking to future. They were concerned about the future of their bones than they were about the plan of God for their lives. I pray that this podcast will bless you.

  • Pneuma Podcast Promo

    15/04/2019 Duração: 32s

    The world is more complex than ever, who can make sense of it? Join Reverend Michael Angley Ogwuche on Pneuma Podcast each week as he shows you how God’s Word connects directly to your life in this age and helps you navigate trials and tribulations. If you want to deepen your relationship with God and learn what He has in store for you, listen and subscribe to Pneuma Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player, just search for ‘Pneuma Podcast.’

  • Triumphant Entry - 14:04:2019, 13.15

    14/04/2019 Duração: 18min

    Triumphant Entry based on Luke 19:28- 40 invites you to consider the events that led to the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Although not noted in Luke’s Gospel we are told by commentators that it is quite likely that there was another boisterous entry on the day that Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem, even though it was political. Entering first was the Roman Governor from the West with full military tattoo of might, amour, swords, chariots with all other possible paraphernalia including elaborate chariot carrying Pilate himself. But can you imagine the stark contrast on Jesus’ side as he enters Jerusalem on the back of a colt, (a small donkey) and yet unlike Pilate is still valid today. Pilate represents the kingdom of man while Jesus Christ represents the Kingdom of God. It is my prayer that this podcast blesses you.

  • The Lord's Prayer - 12:04:2019, 18.02

    12/04/2019 Duração: 17min

    Based on Matthew 6:9-13 the LORD’S PRAYER is arguably one of the most notable teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible. Christians around the world read it, memorise it, pray it and sing it. In some churches services are never concluded until the Lord’s Prayer is said. However, I invite us to take a critical look at it again, this is because the Lord’s prayer has become a monotonous religious ritual so that some people say it without any iota of thought. In which case it seems to me that it is no longer a prayer as such but something we know we have to say each time we are prompted. I honestly find it difficult to think that Jesus wanted it to be repetitive prayer, this is because when this prayer is used as a temple it is so rich in content and in theology otherwise there is a real chance of missing the whole point of the demonstration. The Lord’s prayer is great and effective when prayed with sincerity and can also be a powerful tool.

  • The last Jar in your shelf - 08:04:2019, 21.08

    08/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    “The last jar on your shelf”, based on the John 12:1-8 invites listeners to reflect on this captivating power packed, act of Mary the sister of Lazarus who was brought back to life by their friend Jesus the Christ. The story is about true love and faith, friendship and extravagant giving without inhibition and is also about what Mary did, how she did it and why she did it.The action of Mary in this passage points all believers to the act of extravagant love for Jesus Christ by giving the best of what they have to God. Jesus Christ himself gives up his life. (John 15:13) “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” What gift can be more than this?

  • You are a Divine Project - 30:03:2019, 22.26

    30/03/2019 Duração: 23min

    The title of this podcast is “You are a Divine Project; (John 1:30-42) this podcast invites listeners to consider the special place we occupy as God’s project (not yet finished). The podcast is based on the Apostle Peter’s first encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter no doubt is one of the most captivating followers of Jesus Christ, the encounter changed his world view. A personal encounter with Jesus will also alter the direction of your life too and give you reasons why you should not give up on yourself because you are a divine project.My prayer for you is that at the end of this podcast you would have been propelled to consider the story of this unassuming fisherman who became fisher of men.

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