Inspire Church Podcast
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 116:24:55
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Listen to the weekly podcast of Inspire Church in Sydney, Australia led by Pastor John McMartin. We believe that growing people change. As you listen we hope you are challenged and equipped to make meaningful changes as you grow spiritually. Watch our full weekend worship experiences at or download the Inspire Church App for videos, music downloads, and more.
A Citizen of Heaven | Pastor Rebekah Proud
15/11/2022 Duração: 25minGuest speaker, Ps. Rebekah Proud encourages us to be proud of our citizenship; we are a people who follow Christ! Just as accents can reveal someone's origins, our mannerisms and way of life should clearly identify us as Christians.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Righteousness Displayed | Pastor James Saba
25/10/2022 Duração: 40minFinishing off our walk through Romans, Ps James explores how God’s righteousness is shown throughout chapters 12-16 and how we, as believers, can display that righteousness throughout our lives. –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
The Vine | Pastor Oral Dawes
24/10/2022 Duração: 32minWe must be connected to the true vine, Jesus. Combining with anything else will not produce fruit, and a fruitless vine will be cut off. –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Sovereignty Revealed | Pastor James Saba
23/10/2022 Duração: 37minContinuing with walking through Romans, we dive into chapters 9-11. We must know that God yearns to be in a relationship with us! We can see that through the story of the Israelites and God’s faithfulness to them which mirrors His faithfulness to us.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Sanctification | Pastor James Saba
22/10/2022 Duração: 31minContinuing on with exploring Romans we look into chapters 6-8. As Christians sanctification is the purging of sin in our life. It is a journey that we must undergo as we walk with Christ. We want to live a life that reflects God’s goodness!–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Salvation | Pastor James Saba
21/10/2022 Duração: 30minGoing through Romans 3-5 Ps James dives deeper into the topic of salvation. Before Jesus, our lives were covered in sin, in bad habits. But once Christ died for us we became eligible for salvation, freedom from sin! –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Righteousness Needed | Pastor James Saba
20/10/2022 Duração: 30minTo live a morally upright life is impossible without God. It is for this reason that we need to seek Him and His righteousness due to our inability to keep the law. –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
It's Time to Pray | Pastor James Saba
09/08/2022 Duração: 22minWhen it comes to prayer we must remember that we should do these three things: ask, seek and knock. When we pray we are calling upon the name of the Lord the creator of heaven and earth. – Stay connected! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Inspire People to Live For Jesus Support the show
Jesus Our High Priest | Pastor Oral Dawes
03/08/2022 Duração: 26minJesus was fully human, he grew hungry and thirsty, felt anger and was persecuted. But through it all he still did not sin. Jesus, the sinless, is asking us today to come before him as we are understanding that we come with baggage and burdens. He is our High Priest and intercessor! – Stay connected! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Inspire People to Live For Jesus Support the show
Faith Blockers | Pastor Darren McMahon
03/08/2022 Duração: 28minWhen it comes to faith our biggest blocker is delaying! There is a finality to cancellations but not to delays. Delays can slow us down, eventually leading us to stop. Here, guest Pastor, Darren McMahon explores three causes of delay in our lives. – Stay connected! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Inspire People to Live For Jesus Support the show
Joy of the Lord | Pastor James Saba
11/07/2022 Duração: 25minThe enemy would love to steal our strength and that strength is found in our joy! Therefore we must take measures to keep our joy so that we may resist all that the enemy will do against us. And the great thing is, is that we can find that joy in Jesus whose strength will never fail.“Joy is found in the person of Jesus Christ.”–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Trinity Revelations | Pastor Andrew Harper
09/07/2022 Duração: 30minDiving into the intersections of the trinity and how they are expressed through our Christian walk. Be prepared for a powerful and anointed word!–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
Little Things Matter | Pastor James Saba
08/07/2022 Duração: 23minWalking through life is an ongoing journey and sometimes it causes us to overlook the little things. But it is in that little that God can move powerfully in our lives. –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: People to Live For JesusSupport the show
The Elements of Faith | Pastor Melissa McMartin
08/07/2022 Duração: 28minHow do obedience, revelation, saturation and preparation apply to faith?–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
Hitting the Impossible | Pastor Bobby Gardner
20/06/2022 Duração: 26minWe may find ourselves in an impossible situation but we must not be discouraged. Our impossible right now, is someone elses possible! Here, Wagga Wagga location pastor Bobby Gardner shares with us two points to make our impossible, possible.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
Holy Spirit Expansion | Pastor Melissa McMartin
19/06/2022 Duração: 26minGod has given us the keys to expand in all areas of our faith. One of these keys is the gift of the Holy Spirit. –Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
Progress or Excuse | Pastor Brendan McMartin
18/06/2022 Duração: 27minIn life you can make progress or excuses, you can’t do both! Caleb, one of the 12 who Moses sent out, had a progress mentality. He (and Joshua) wholeheartedly believed that they could take the promised land where others doubted. So to grow in our relationship with God we need to adopt a progress mentality.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
It is Well with My Soul | Pastor Bobby Gardner
24/05/2022 Duração: 25minFinishing off our series ‘Great Hymns of Faith’ Location Pastor, Bobby Gardner, shares with us how; even in unpredictable and challenging times putting our trust and faith in God will help us overcome hardship and tragedy.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
What a Friend We Have in Jesus | Pastor Brendan McMartin
19/05/2022 Duração: 24minHow blessed are we to be able to call Jesus friend! Through all our struggles and trials Jesus will be there for us. To foster that friendship we can develop a true and sincere love for the presence of God, through prayer.–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show
Great is Thy Faithfulness | Pastor Melissa McMartin
12/05/2022 Duração: 20minFaithfulness is a quiet strength, dependable, reliable and… boring. But doesn’t God’s faithfulness give us an incredible sense of security, rest and peace? Something we can’t find in the world!–Stay connected!Website: inspirechurch.comFacebook: God. Love People. Inspire Our WorldSupport the show