Abrahams Wallet

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 222:49:49
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This podcast is for family leaders and those who aspire to think multigenerationally about their money, culture, work, family and community. Living out a multigenerational mindset that embraces good stewardship as a building block of God’s Kingdom on Earth might produce Abrahamic levels of impact. Can you imagine?!


  • Advanced Budgeting Tips

    09/08/2019 Duração: 31min

    Mastering the art and skill of budgeting will result in you ending up with more money than you need to run your household. Did you hear that son? Tis true my hombres – you don’t need a raise or a side hustle—necessarily (though we love them)—to end up with more than you need. You just need to get good at this one thing, and, barring irregular circumstances, you’ll have extra money at the end of the month (which we call slush). Amazingly simple. The converse is also true: if you don’t get good at budgeting, you’ll never end up with extra cash and you’ll usually fall short in some areas, no matter how much money you make. In this episode we explore some advanced tips on how to budget for the times when you end up with more income than you planned for. This episode’s sponsor: https://www.outpostadvisors.net

  • Sabbath: The #1 Family Culture Creation Tool

    31/07/2019 Duração: 26min

    Culture creation in the home is your job, and I’m here to tell you bros that NOTHING–not a daily prayer time, not memorizing Bible verses before bed, not even (fire up the grill for this sacred cow) GOING TO CHURCH–will do for your family, from a culture-creation standpoint, what this one move will do: Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Listen up as Steven Manuel shares tips on HOW to do Sabbath well and enjoy every minute of it. See the original blog post here! This episode was sponsored by Outpost Advisors.

  • On Luxury Spending

    24/07/2019 Duração: 16min

    What qualifies as luxury spending? Is luxury spending in moderation OK for the Abrahamicly-minded family leader? Is the amount of luxury that is permissible for me relative to my overall income or savings? These questions are great! And super hard to answer! AND, one more thing: if you don’t answer them, our luxury addled culture will answer them for you.  This may be one of my all-time favorites from the Abraham’s Wallet vault. Click here to read the original.

  • How to Kill $180k of Student Loans in No Time

    17/07/2019 Duração: 16min

    In this episode we share 4 tactics that helped us to pay down $180k in student loans in less than four years. And, they’re not just for student debt! Apply these to any kind of debt and see huge gains! Check out the original blog post here!

  • Michael Foster on Being a Man

    09/07/2019 Duração: 40min

    In this episode, we break from our usual format to bring you a longer form interview with Mr. Michael Foster, one of the founders of the website It’s Good to be a Man. Michael is a serial-entrepreneur who has been in bi-vocational ministry the better part of his adult life. God has blessed him with a beautiful wife and seven children, and they all just relocated to the Cincinnati area this week. Michael can also be found on Twitter @thisisfoster and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/itsgoodtobeaman/.

  • Telling Family Stories

    28/06/2019 Duração: 29min

    In our culture, when the whole family gets together from grandpa all the way to the newborn cousins, you’ll typically see the youngest people in the crew occupying the seat of honor and attention. At Abraham’s Wallet, we think that might be backwards. In fact, we try to make a habit of soliciting the stories from our older generations – over and over and over – until we can all recite them by heart. In this episode, you’ll get to sit in on storytime, as Steven Manuel’s father Roger tells a few of the stories that shaped him into the family-builder that he has become.

  • Down with the Side Hustle – Get Paid to Play!

    18/06/2019 Duração: 08min

    Ever heard of a “side hustle”?  Sure you have: it’s when you find smart ways to bring in extra income (on the SIDE of your primary source of income) through work and hustle.  The side hustle has become a cornerstone for the modern idea of working (because “putting in 40 hours for the same company for 50 years” is as out of fashion as the leisure suit), as scads of people put multiple streams of income together to form their self-selected salary.  Well, Lots of blogs will tell you that you need a side hustle, but wouldn’t you rather get paid to recreate? See the original post here!

  • How to Feed a Family of 5 on $360 per Month

    10/06/2019 Duração: 14min

    In this special guest episode of the Abraham’s Wallet podcast, hear Alexis Tunnell give you some quick hits on how she manages to feed a family of five humans on a mere $360 per month grocery budget. Then, stick around to hear an interview with the updated tips she has 18 months later, since her original article was published waaaaaay back in 2017. Original blog post can be found right here.

  • You Need a Board of Directors

    04/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    At Abraham’s Wallet, we believe in the real need for heavy community involvement in your financial life. This is both important and totally foreign to us. In an era where social media, that great destructor of actual relationship, has obliterated most social norms (“Don’t talk about politics with people you don’t know well”? Yeah, that sounds almost quaint, now…), you still don’t see people posting their budget or income on the Facebook. But we Kingdom dudes do things quite a bit differently so… Click here for the original blog post!

  • A Cautionary Tale of Two Mothers Days

    24/05/2019 Duração: 18min

    Can I take a moment to address the dads among us? Today, I’m out to tell you a cautionary tale of a series of events that, individually, lie somewhere in the zone of thoughtless oversight, but collectively form a perfect storm of marital horror. Read up gents, and don’t do what I did. See the original blog post here.

  • How We Do Goals

    21/05/2019 Duração: 11min

    We’re big on goals here at the Wallet. A cool and amazing promise: once you start setting goals, you’ll be utterly amazed at how you can “speak things into existence” just the way that your Abba does.  So pull up a chair and listen to Uncle Stevie tell ya how we do goals… Check out the full post right ‘chere.

  • Own Nothing

    16/05/2019 Duração: 07min

    I’m here to tell you that spending less is not the goal; I’m here to tell you that spending BETTER will revolutionize your life.  I mean it.  But we can’t even talk about spending until you realize that you don’t own all that stuff and money you’ve managed to pile up. Let’s get to that and we’ll end up dealing with your spending questions along the way.  See the original blog post here!

  • Hold Up On That Offering Plate

    09/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    Have you relied on your local church to teach you everything about what the scriptures have to say when it comes to money? Odds are you’ve found a great starting point, but that you’ve missed some critical pieces of the puzzle. View the original post here!

  • All Debts Good and Bad

    08/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    So you’ve budgeted your heart out. Nice work. And you are spending less than you are earning. Enthusiastic high five! And your budget has revealed to you that you previously thrown off cash like a Kardashian jettisons marriages (We’ll be here all night! Try the shrimp!)? Womp womp. The result of your former ways may very well be (in fact, statistically speaking, almost certainly is…) the American Dream-maker… DEBT! Or you may have mountains of debt and framed papers on your wall to show for it. Or perhaps a lovely 4 bedroom craftsman-style home, replete with open concept kitchen remodel with bleached faux barn wood flooring. Regardless of how you got here… shall we consider how to deal with debt? (Yes, let’s!) You can find the original blog post for this article here!

  • Budgeting 101

    08/05/2019 Duração: 13min

    The explicit goal of this website is to equip YOU to be capable and confident of stewarding more (more children, more disciples, more money, etc.). As illustrated in our fabulous, touching, soon-to-be-award-winning Abrahamic drama above, he who cannot give an account of how he has managed what he has should NOT be entrusted with more. (Big definition coming up, get ready…) A BUDGET is a tool for planning and monitoring the financial assets and income streams with which we have been entrusted. See the original blog post here!

  • What is Abraham’s Wallet

    05/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    Welcome to the Abraham’s Wallet podcast! In this show, we are turning the written content from the site into audio content for those gents who love what we’re doing here but aren’t all that into reading words on a screen. So, listeners rejoice – you can now bone up on how to run your home and dough like a Biblical Boss, while you also fold laundry, exercise or groom your chinchilla. In this, episode number one, we explain what it is that we’re out to accomplish here at Abraham’s Wallet.

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