Become Husayni

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 10:13:09
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The World Federations aims to equip the community with various podcasts discussing several important religious topics. The topics vary from understanding "Knowledge of the Unseen" featured in STEPS and then understanding the companions of Imam Husayn featured in our #BecomeHusayni podcast series. Subscribe to our podcasts and always be the first to listen to our latest episode. Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram under @WFKSIMC


  • Juz 30 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    12/05/2021 Duração: 15min

    The 30th juz has 34 meccan surahs and 3 madani surahs.  We will focus on the themes of heaven and hell for the last episode of our podcast series.  We pray we arrive in jannah a place of God’s mercy, proximity and closeness and not in hell which is distant from Allah and absent of Allah’s mercy.  The hereafter is the fruits of the seeds which we planted in this world.  In Surah an Naziat, Allah swt reminds us that this is the day in which human beings will see or be called to remember what it is that they have strived for.  Heaven and Hell are the outcomes of what we have done in this world.  It’s important to note that the pleasures of paradise and displeasures of hell are not similar to the ones we experience in this lower life.  To enter paradise there is no easy answer but the simple thing to focus on is giving a preference to the next world over this one. Learn more: __________________________________________________________________________

  • Juz 29 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    12/05/2021 Duração: 16min

    The 29th juz has 10 makki surahs and 1 madani surah.  Meccan surahs focus on aqeedah and one of the primary beliefs is the day of accountability.  The Qur’an explores the theme of ma’ad in great depth.  In Surah Ma’arij for example Allah swt describes the day as incredibly long, feeling as though it is 50,000 years.  The prophet (s) however is told to look forward to this day, and find comfort in it.  Since the day of judgment is a day of accountability, it is the day of true justice and a manifestation of God’s perfection.  A question to ask ourselves is if we genuinely believe in the occurrence of this day? Do our beliefs manifest into actions? Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram:

  • Juz 28 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    11/05/2021 Duração: 18min

    The 28th Juz of the Qur’ān covers 9 surahs and all of them are madani.  Approximately four of the nine surahs address issues with regards to women. The first surah of the juz is Surah Mujadilah (the woman who contends/argues/complains).  In Surah Mujadilah the chapter opens with the complaint of the woman who is being oppressed by her husband with the practice of dhihar (a pre islamic practice of estranging the wives by equating them to their mothers). In Surah Talaq we see that Allah swt is aware of all of our intentions, and even in instances of seeking a divorce we should work towards treating each other honorably.  God’s laws are accompanied with ethical injunctions, one of our grandest tests is how we treat each other.  In Surah Tahrim, the chapter opens up with discussing a time when Rasulullah (s) was going through a difficulty with some of his wives.  Even in marital strife or conflict, the verse 6:66 encourages us to take care of our families and to help each other spirituall

  • Juz 27 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    10/05/2021 Duração: 11min

    As the theme-based approach to Juz 25, 26 and 27 draws to a close, this episode focuses on the grand capacity of God’s mercy by looking at two specific forms of it: His hidayah (God’s extra guidance) and His maghfirah (forgiveness). This is an important topic as God’s forgiveness holds a massive role throughout the Quran, whereby Allah (swt) consistently mentions the showering of His mercy upon us. The episode covers the close relationship between the themes of maghfirah and hidayah, by exploring how both of them together helps our journey towards God, and the ways in which both work as manifestations of Allah’s (swt) mercy.   Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

  • Juz 26 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    09/05/2021 Duração: 12min

    Continuing on with the theme-based approach of Juz 25, 26 and 27, this episode explores the concept of the shayatin or the devils by focusing on the role they have on our lives and our minds. The aim here is to deconstruct the many misconceptions we have regarding the shayatin’s presence over us through Quranic verses, recognising the capacities in which they exist to misconstrue our thoughts and misguide us from the right path. In building a better awareness of this, we can thus move towards seeking protection from shaytaan through the remembrance of Allah (swt). Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:  Podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Spoti

  • Juz 25 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    08/05/2021 Duração: 15min

    This episode moves towards facilitating a theme-based discussion of the Quran. By combining verses from Juz 25, 26 and 27, an embedded exploration of the reality of death, what it is, and how it is discussed in the Quran is provided. Collectively across these Juz’s, there are 13 Makkan Surahs and 5 Madani Surahs, thus highlighting a focus on issues surrounding aqaid (beliefs) and akhlaq (morals) on one side and legislative issues on the other. The Surahs used to explore the theme of death include Surah Mulk, Surah Qaf, Surah Fussilat, Surah Al-Hadid and Surah An-Najm.   Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:  Podcasts: Apple Podcasts:

  • Juz 24 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    07/05/2021 Duração: 11min

    The 24th Juz covers the last 43 verses of Surah Az-Zumar (The Throngs), Surah Ghafir (The Forgiver), and first 46 verses of Surah Fussilat (The Elaborated)-also containing the first wajib sajdah. In Surah Ghafir was named after a believer from the house of Pharoah. The story describes Hizel, or Ezekiel (English), challenging the Pharaoh's opposition to Moses. The surah describes Pharaoh’s arrogance is what led him to a sealed heart. We can learn from the example of Hizkil working hard in the way of Truth and entrusting our affairs to God and God alone. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:  Podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: http://

  • Juz 23 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    06/05/2021 Duração: 14min

    The 23rd Juz covers the last 55 verses of Surah Yaseen, Surah As-Saffat, Surah Saad and first 31 verses of Surah- Az-Zumar. This Juz reflects on the beauty, depth and sheer awe the Quran presents to a point that staunch enemies of Islam secretly listening were enamored by it. Over the span of two decades, verse by verse the people reflected and built a relationship with each sound of the Holy Quran. To become a Quranic society, we must question the role and status we give the Book of Truth on a daily basis. Leveling up our experience with the Quran is an essential tool to increase our mindfulness of Allah(swt). The Quran was sent down as a warning to never lose sight of our purpose. In what ways can we reflect on it everyday? Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: https://www.faceboo

  • Juz 22 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    05/05/2021 Duração: 11min

    The 22nd Juz covers the last 42 verses of Surah Al-Ahzab (The Confederation), Surah Saba (Sabeans), Surah Fatir (The Originator), and the first 27 verses of Surah Yaseen. Today’s episode explores a common question amongst Muslims, as to why the Ahl al-Bayt are not mentioned explicitly in the Qur’an. The Ayat al-Tathir (verse of Purity) addresses the Prophet’s wives and their special status. The latter part of the verse has shifted in pronoun usage from feminine plural to plural masculine therefore the addressing audience has also altered. These details lead us to the Ahl al-Bayt through the Qur’an as a doorway. God’s strategy is that it is general but points us in the right direction. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: https://www.inst

  • Juz 21 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    04/05/2021 Duração: 14min

    The 21st Juz consists of Surat al-Ankabut (last 23 verses, The Spider), Surat ar-Ruum (60 verse, The Romans), Sura Luqman (34 verses), Sura as-Sajdah (30 verses, The Prostration), and Surat al-Ahzab (First 30 verses, The Confederates). A major theme of the Quran is its juxtaposition of this world in relation to the hereafter. God reminds us of the certainty of death, and the promise of the hereafter, and in this realization lies the purpose of our being in this temporary world, also referred to as the ‘lower existence’. Death is a reminder that we will all inevitably return to Him, so our life here should be one of servitude so as to secure the hereafter. God cautions us in Surah Luqman to be mindful of the death, and the day of reckoning, where none will atone for the other, and warns us not to be deceived by this world. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below

  • Juz 20 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    03/05/2021 Duração: 16min

    The 20th Juz consists of Surat an-Naml (last 37 verses, The Ant), Surat al-Qasas (88 verses, The Stories) and Surat al-Ankabut (first 45 verses The Spider). The discussion in these suras explore the barriers/veils that prevent one from allowing the Quranic guidance to permeate their hearts. God clearly states that only those who believe in God’s signs, are open-hearted and have submitted, even partially, to the truth will be able to perceive the guidance offered by the Quran. Those who insist on rejecting the truth, and are arrogant, will be like the ‘deaf  or dead who can’t hear’ because they lack intellectual humility and  intentionally don’t want to listen to the message of God. Suratul Qasas relates the story of Prophet Musa, and includes the story of Qarun, who despite his knowledge and wealth, lacked humility, believing he ‘deserved’ God’s blessings. Pharoah and Haman are also mentioned in the same vein, and their arrogance led them to punishment and destruction. The reference to the spider’s

  • Juz 19 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    02/05/2021 Duração: 12min

    The 19th Juz consists of Surat al-Furqan (last 56 verses, The Criterion), Surat al-Shu’ara (227 verses, The poets) and Surat an-Naml (first 55 verses, The Ants) – all Meccan. The first two suras discuss the Quraish’s rejection of the Qur'an, and their displeasure with the prophet. The root meaning of ‘Furqan’ is to split or fracture, and the Qur'an is referred to as such because it differentiates/splits between good and evil. It provides the light in the darkness of our confusion, helping us to recognize the truth. Surat al Shu’ara further describes the incredible role the prophet has played in bringing to us this guidance, and how the people have still abandoned it. The Qur'an is complete in its divinity, its greatness the very proof of truth, and as revealed in the next Surat an-Naml, the Qur'an is from God, the all-wise, and is the most tangible thing we have from Him. Approaching the nights of Qadr, we should ask ourselves if we truly embrace the Qur'an as our criterion and pray for the ability to build o

  • Juz 18 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    01/05/2021 Duração: 11min

    Juz 18 of the Holy Qur'an consists of three surahs, Surah al-Muminun, a Meccan surah, Surah Nur, a Medinan surah, and Surah al-Furqan, a Meccan surah. Surah al-Muminun and Surah Nur discuss the certain behaviours Allah (swt) expects us to have and those behaviours that He expects us to stay away from.   Through these surahs we realize the importance that Allah (swt) places on how our actions affect those around us. When we do things, we should be mindful of how we are affecting others. The characteristics that He advises us to have include: being humble in our prayer, avoiding vain talk, paying zakat, guarding our private parts, keeping our trusts and promises, being careful over our prayers, not fault-finding, and not spreading rumours about others.   This juz should cause us to really reflect on our actions and whether or not they positively or negatively affect others. Do we treat others the way Allah (swt) wants us to treat them? Learn more: _____________

  • Juz 17 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    30/04/2021 Duração: 15min

    Juz 17 of the Holy Qur'an consists of two surahs, Surah al-Anbiya and Surah Hajj. Surah al-Anbiya contains references to 17 prophets. The surah delves into the stories of Prophet Ayub (as), Prophet Yunus (as), and Prophet Zackariyah (as). The story of Prophet Zackariyah (as) specifically touches on a very prevalent issue in our society today, infertility. The common thread in all these stories is that our prophets all suffered and when they wanted to find solace, they all turned to Allah (swt). We can use this as a lesson in our lives and as a point of reflection. When we are struck with difficulty, do we sincerely ask Allah (swt) for help? When we are in a difficult position, we should remember our prophets and make dua to Allah (swt) to remove the affliction and ease our heart with whatever He deems is best for us. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Soc

  • Juz 16 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    29/04/2021 Duração: 13min

    Juz 16 of the Holy Qur'an consists of three Meccan surahs: the last 36 verses of Surah Kahf, the entirety of Surah Maryam, and the entirety of Surah Taha. This juz touches on the concept of how Allah (swt) is in control of everything, including our free-will, how He provides our rizk, and how He intervenes in our lives. When we examine the life of Prophet Musa (as) in the beginning of Surah Taha, we see all of these concepts come together. When Musa’s (as) mother placed him in the river, she was nervous, but she had faith that Allah (swt) would take care of him. Allah (swt) made sure to move the river in such a way that the basket with Musa (as) in it would reach Pharaoh's palace. It is here that free-will comes into play. Using their free-will, Asiya, and eventually Pharaoh fell in love with baby Musa and decided to raise him. In this story we can see that while Allah (swt) is in control of everything, He has also provided us with free-will to decide our own destiny. Learn more:

  • Juz 15 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    28/04/2021 Duração: 16min

    The 15th Juz consists of Surat al-Isra (111 verses, The Night Journey) and Surat al-Kahf (First 74 verses, The Cave), both Meccan. The concepts of Rizq, sustenance and Dua, supplication, are discussed here. Man is created hasty and we often ask for things that may be detrimental to us. We quickly get dejected and disappointed in Him, but need to remember that God is the one who gives, and withholds, and that He does this in perfect measure, with full awareness and of our needs and betterment. This teaches us to have complete faith and reliance in Him, and to recognize that He is the one in complete control. God also reminds us of our fragility, and complete dependency on Him. He points out our tendency to turn to Him only in distress, when in fact we should be turning to Him constantly, with hope and gratitude. And only then will we realize that the true power of supplication is not in gaining our wants, but in realizing our deepest desire which is proximity to God. Learn more:

  • Juz 14 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    27/04/2021 Duração: 10min

    The 14th Juz consists of Surat al-Hijr (99 verses) and Surat an-Nahl (128 verses, the Bee). The verses of Surat an-Nahl are filled with remembrances of God’s blessings, and lessons we can learn from nature. God calls upon humanity to take lessons from these ‘blessings’, a word used 13 times throughout the chapter to impress upon us the magnitude of what He has given us. God speaks of water (which brings life to the earth), cattle, trees, fruits, bees and honey-- and the many benefits we receive from all of his creations. Allah also alludes to the idea that nature shows us the reality of the resurrection. In a Qur'anic worldview, learning about nature and science is a means to connect with the Creator. He commands us to look around, observe His signs and to ponder, reflect and reason. As we watch spring unfold, let’s remember that there is a sign here that we too will be brought back to life. Learn more: ____________________________________________________________________________

  • Juz 13 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    26/04/2021 Duração: 11min

    The 13th Juz consists of Surah Yusuf (last 58 verses), Surat al-Ra’ad (43 verses, the Thunder), and Surah Ibrahim (52 verses). All are Meccan and contain themes of establishing the basic tenants of Islam. In the Qur'an, God uses stories, parables, prose, imagery, rhetorical questions, similitude and allegories to help us separate the truth from falsehood. In this juz, two interesting parables appear. In a delicate way, He uses examples from nature, like the one of the froth/scum on water or the process of purifying gold as is mentioned in Surat al Ra’ad. In Surah Ibrahim, words and beliefs are likened to trees. Both of these mention parables that explain the nature of Truth and falsehood. While falsehood is temporary, Truth is permanent and stable. These parables appeal to our intellect and understanding, so that we may reflect, accept the truth to purify ourselves, and ultimately draw closer to God. Learn more: ___________________________________________________________________

  • Juz 12 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    25/04/2021 Duração: 17min

    Juz 12 is the completion of Surah Hud (118 verses of the total 123 verses) and the start of Surah Yusuf (52 verses of the total 111 verses). Both Surahs from this Juz are Meccan. This podcast hones in on punishment and why Allah (swt) punishes as mentioned in Surah Hud. Punishment is not a result of Allah’s oppression, rather it is a direct result of people wronging themselves. Emphasis is placed on being reformers towards good and forbidding evil to prevent self- destruction. Allah (swt) does not unjustly destroy people trying to improve things for the better. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:  Podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Spotify

  • Juz 11 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an

    24/04/2021 Duração: 13min

    Juz 11 covers the last 36 verses of Surat at-Tawbah, the entirety of Surah Yunus, and the first five verses of Surah Hud. Towards the latter part of Surat at-Tawbah, Allah (swt) talks about the ansar and muhajirun, the Muslims who struggled with Rasulullah (s) since the beginning of his mission.  There is a remarkable lesson to learn from these Muslims which is to join the cause of Truth for the sake of Truth itself, not only when it is a fad. Sayyidah Khadijah (sa) is a beautiful example of the sabiqun i.e. those who were foremost. She was the first female to accept the message of Rasulullah (s) and sacrificed everything she had in the way of Truth. Unfortunately, not all Muslims were like the sabiqun and Allah (swt) also addresses the hypocrites who attempted to create division among the Muslims by building a mosque to gather and strategize against Rasulullah (s). When wanting to do something good, it’s important to remember that both the intention AND form matter. This is a concept emphasized continuo

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