With the mysterious ice planet Delon looming over Earth, Sofi Snow continues to search for her brother and believes the alien planet may hold the key. Mary Weber explores themes...
'Wow! What an exquisite conclusion to the thrilling Unblemished trilogy. . . A feast of pop culture and literary references, masterful worldbuilding and heartfelt allegory, the...
Sadie Robertson, New York Times bestselling author and star of Dancing with the Stars, has an important message for her generation: you don’t have to be held back...
She was far more capable than Earth's leaders had accounted for, and they had no idea what she'd do next.“In this sequel to The Evaporation of Sofi Snow, Weber takes a...
A racoon awakes from his winter nap to find his tree being chopped down. An old frog decides that now is the time to see more of the world. A mouse gets upset because his tail is...
Excerpt from A Righted Wrong, Vol. 1: A NovelHe had not waited for words in reply to his farewell; she 'could not have spoken them, and he knew it; and while she tried to make...
Dr. Krantz served as a full professor of anthropology at Washington State University from 1968 until 1998. Though he was a popular teacher with an almost cult-like following and...
It’s an exciting week at the horse farm! Alex’s mare Lilian is going to be a mother, and everyone is ecstatic about the new arrival. Though the news is happy, Alex, Tine, and...
Something is amiss at the horse farm! During the night, someone broke in completely undetected and escaped with two very expensive saddles. The thief left no trace of a forced...
Emily Starr never knew what it was to be lonely — until her beloved father died. Now Emily’s an orphan, and her mother’s snobbish relatives are taking her to...