My name is Luigi April and I have released a new book in English andAfrikaans (A walk with the Lord and n' Wandel met die Here) a truetestimony about my life growing up without a...
Will you become mother or father soon and you would like to know more about how to educate a happy and responsible kid? Then keep listening, as this is the audio book for you....
If you’re ready to take a journey into yourself unlike ever before, you’reready for My Life Has No Purpose! It’s a hands-on guide for those trulyready to understand...
Learn How Effective Speed Reading Works. Speed Reading Techniques, Informative Insights, and Limitations.Do you want to double or triple your reading speed?Do you want to read...
The Voice of the Four Elements is a timeless story. In it, Cronos (linear time), surrenders to Kaíros (mythical time). The experience lived and shared by xamam Alba Maria...
In Confessions of a Divine Masculine, I discuss the intimate details along my journey as a twin flame/divine masculine that I haven't shared with the public. I also go into...
Exactly What to Say: The Ultimate Guide to Saying Anything to Anyone, Learn How to Develop the Courage to Say Yes and NO and the Skill to Convince Anyone of AnythingAre you...
Do you feel like you are capable of more than what you are currently doing? I know what it feels like to want to do better but not know how to implement the necessary changes to...
Authentic Happiness: The Essential Guide to Being Truly Happy, Discover Useful Ways on How to Live a Life Full of True and Authentic HappinessEveryone aspires to be happy. You...
Emotional First Aid: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Your Emotional Intelligence, Discover How You Can Improve Your People Skills and Expand Self-Awareness to Create Happier...