Two generations of women, intertwined. The story begins after World War II when a woman depended on social conventions, up to today where the male domain is often showed in...
When we begin to reflect, we discover that we have so many, I would say so very many things to change - so many that we don’t know where to start. Well? Too much confusion!...
Introduction: James D. Scurlock offers a groundbreaking look into the culture of debt that has been institutionalized over the past generation. From Washington, DC to Macon,...
Immediate New York Times Best Seller . . . The Challenge to Religious Dogma that has Sparked a National Debate! "Forty-four percent of the American population is convinced that...
In this groundbreaking book -- the first popular book on narcissism in more than a decade -- clinical social worker and psychotherapist Sandy Hotchkiss shows you how to cope with...
Stéphane Hessel, recently published a short pamphlet titled “Get Angry” (Indignez-vous). In it, Hessel asserts that today’s youth should assume the same indignation that...
From a veteran culture writer and modern movie expert, a celebration and analysis of the movies of 1999—“a terrifically fun snapshot of American film culture on the...
"Listening to this comprehensive report is a riveting and fascinating experience, and is made even more interesting by the talented narrators who present it. What's more,...
"In this audio memoir narrated by the author, D. Watkins argues that he is a more authentic black voice than other writers of color who speak about black community from a...
The real war on terror has happened largely behind closed doors, run by the White House, drawing on secret intelligence and operations around the world. There is no man who knows...