As soon as Fred gets out of bed, his underwear goes on his head. His mother laughs, "Don't put it there, a head's no place for underwear!" But near his ears, above his brains, is...
Impossible to listen to only once, these exuberant poems are filled to the brim with smiles and silliness and are sure to be loved by children from Miami to Seattle.So much to...
Into a memoir that is gripping, funny, heartbreaking, and unforgettable, Walter Dean Myers richly weaves the details of his Harlem childhood in the 1940s and 1950s: a loving home...
There’s a rumour spreading quickly on the farm that triggers immediate emergency escape plans for this unknowing bunch of fruit and vegetables. And there’s a certain upcoming...
My name is Codi Nicholson. I am so doggone excited to tell you about myself, I don't know where to begin! I was rescued from the meat market in South Korea in 2017 and brought to...
Tough choices. Big laughs. It's a timeless game for everyone.Would you like to know more about your crush, but you’re too shy to make the first move?Do you want to make your...
Music exists, first and foremost, in the soul, mind and body. It is something we feel before we understand it. Your introduction to the wonderful world of music theory, this...
“(Jill) Biden’s anecdotal portrait of her spouse’s early years spotlights his competitiveness and risk-taking…his role as a peacemaker, devoted brother,...
The story of America and African Americans is a story of hope and inspiration and unwavering courage. But it is also the story of injustice; of a country divided by law,...
G'night mateys . . .His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales sends an inspiring message about how we can change the course of environmental destruction by living in harmony with...