Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD transformed the way the world thinks about death and dying. Beginning with the groundbreaking publication of the classic psychological study On...
Deborah Tannen's #1 bestseller revolutionized the way men and women talk -- and listen -- to each other -- at home, at work, and wherever the communication gap between the sexes...
"The key to real and lasting change lies somewhere between what you know and what you do. It’s what you think." —Lisa OzBeing social creatures, we yearn for connection...
Bestselling author Dan Ariely reveals fascinating new insights into motivation—showing that the subject is far more complex than we ever imagined.Every day we work hard to...
Borderline Personality Disorder is female privilege. It is to be understood in political, as opposed to psychoanalytic, terms.
This book will introduce you to the art of understanding anthropology of human composition. What makes one person more suited to work with people and another one to deal with...
" I have written the following popular sketches, which select only a few problems in which psychology and law come in contact. They deal essentially with the mind of the witness...
Whatever you know or think you know, of the external world comes to you through some one of your five primary senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, or some one of the...
How to protect yourself from manipulation and employ psychological tactics to influence those around you, without utilizing unsavory methods:Do you recognize the mind games being...
Learn The Best Techniques in Dark Psychology and How To Influence People with Persuasion, NLP, and Mind Control.Do you want to improve your persuasive abilities? Want to get that...