The beneficial book "The Aqidah and Manhaj of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jama'ah:Upon the Creed and Methodology of the Prophet Peace be upon him and His Companions may Allah be...
The Imitation is perhaps the most widely read Christian devotional work next to the Bible, and is regarded as a devotional and religious classic. Its popularity was immediate, and...
THE main materials contained in these pages will certainly be new for the vast majority of readers. Moreover the Mandæan narratives, legends and discourses are not only...
The book aims at developing a spiritual bent of mind in its reader. The author believes that to attain spirituality one does not need to retire to the jungles, rather one must...
Blessed are those who walk in the perfect way, who walk in the law of the LORD. – Psalm 119:1The singular blending of testimony, prayer, and praise in Psalm 119 is admirable. In...
Exposing And Thwarting The Attacks On The Bible by Russ Miller
An Autobiography: A Life’s Search For Truth - This is the true tale of a biochemistry student who loves geology and digging up dinosaur fossils and, most of all, truth. It's...
The Bible And The Age Of The Creation by Russ Miller
The Muslims believe that the guidance in the Quran is for all time, and all people.In fact, the Quran addresses human beings as "Ya aiyuhal Nas" (O Humankind) directly 306 times...
For the Enneagram enthusiast looking to deepen their transformation, The Enneagram of Belonging offers an enlightening, enriching path forward.Many have discovered the Enneagram...