Deepak Chopra, whose extraordinary Enlightenment series includes the phenomenal New York Times bestsellers Buddha and Jesus, delivers the most powerful installment yet: God. In...
“I have known Sylvia for twenty years, and I have the greatest respect for her….I applaud her for the peace and solace that she has brought to so many.”...
Ram Dass’s long-awaited Be Love Now is the transformational teaching of a forty year journey to the heart. The author of the two-million-copy classic Remember, Be Here Now...
Given the volatile state of the world, it is no coincidence that superheroes have captured our imagination like never before. Everywhere you look, superheroes have broken free...
Raising Healthy Children: The Essential Guide to Raising Healthy Kids. Discover Tips on How to Keep Your Children Physically and Mentally FitThe need to ensure kids’ health is...
Being often conditioned to feel we are never enough in some areas of our life, we often feel we have too much to do and too little time, which makes us become physically and...
Can't Stop Thinking: Discover Tips on How to Let Go of Anxiety and Liberate Yourself from Obsessive ThoughtsEach and every person has some anxiety at some point in life. Natural...
Mind Over Matter: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Mind, Discover Effective Methods and Strategies to Take Control and Master Your Mind to Achieve Everything You Want in...
The Secret within You: Like a Flowing River is a guided healing meditation for dissolving energy blocks and harmonising the energy flow, thus helping unlock the potential of...
Joseph Goldstein has been leading meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. He is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, and the...