From America's most celebrated true-crime writer comes the heartbreaking real-life drama of a doomed young woman hopelessly trapped in a web of sexual intrigue, political...
The school clubs are calling! How will you answer?Rambunctious middle school monster Z is loving life with his crew of friends – Bonnie, Trevor and human boy Steve. Duty calls...
This is NOT a traditional NYC Guidebook. In a regular NYC digital guide usually you find endless details about NYC buildings, NYC event spaces, NYC galleries, famous NYC...
Developing web systems in Java has never been so fun! If you are tired of writing long Servlets, waste a lot of time fighting with the framework just to perform simple tasks and...
Are you a programmer fluent in Java? It's time to take the next step! Almost 20 years after it's first version, there is a new Java with important news! Amongst the main new...
Brighton's Knockers.In the first instalment of this epic trilogy, Stephanie Marchant conveys in her own innovative and cutting style an entertaining catalogue of truly...
Following the path of the previous publications of the Better Packaging Better World collection, we aim, with this new book, to shed light on paper and paperboard packaging,...
As a successful entrepreneur you need to communicate all day, every day, with your customers, suppliers, partners, employees, and others. Chances are you are pretty good, perhaps...
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are the new trend of the internet. It opened new possibilities to communication and it improved the way people connect and share....
Designed for those who understand the basics of Italian and its main grammar rules, this audiobook is your next step to enhance and improve your knowledge of Italian – raising...