Unusual for an Anthony Trollope novel, ‘The Fixed Period’ is a story set in the future – in 1980. It is based in the fictional land of Britannula, where a group of young New...
"The Warden" is the first novel in "The Chronicles of Barsetshire" series and was also Trollope’s first breakthrough novel. It is the story of a devoted priest, beloved by all...
Lucy and Ayala Dormer are left penniless by the death of their parents. Ayala is taken in by their rich aunt Lady Tringle and Lucy by their poor uncle Mr Dosett. The girls find it...
The heroine, Mary Masters, is the daughter of an attorney, and has been raised as a gentlewoman. Her stepmother is from a lower social order; believing it best for Mary, she...
An Autobiography of Anthony Trollope, one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era. Some of his best-loved works, collectively known...
In the cathedral city of Barchester, a much loved bishop dies. His son, Archdeacon Grantly, will succeed him. Instead, owing to the passage of the power of patronage to a new...
Augustus Melmotte is a financier with a mysterious past (he is rumoured to have Jewish origins, and it is later revealed that he owned a failed bank in Munich). When he moves his...
Mark Robarts, is a young vicar, settled in the village of Framley in Barsetshire with his wife and children. Mark has ambitions to further his career and begins to seek...
Finn is the only son of a successful Irish doctor who sends him to London to become a lawyer. His academic achievements were modest, but he made many influential friends. One of...
Indefer Jones is the aged squire, between seventy and eighty years of age, of a large manor, Llanfeare, in Carmarthen, Wales. His niece, Isabel Brodrick, has lived with him for...