In this heartwarming, suspenseful, and hilarious novel, Callahan Garrity and the outrageous band of "girls" in her Atlanta cleaning crew join together during the Christmas...
The fifth book in the exciting Callahan Garrity series sees the cleaning lady/sleuth tracking down the murderer of a woman whom the entire city loved to hate.Callahan Garrity has...
Callahan Garrity is the owner of House Mouse, a cleaning service that tidies up after Atlanta's elite. She's also a former cop and a part-time sleuth. She and her coterie...
Callahan Garrity is the owner of House Mouse, a cleaning service that tidies up after Atlanta's elite. She's also a former cop and a part-time sleuth. She and her coterie...
Callahan Garrity is the owner of house mouse, a cleaning service that tidies up after Atlanta's elite. She's also a former cop and a part-time sleuth. She and her coterie...
'Tis the week before Christmas, and antiques dealer Weezie Foley is in a frenzy to do up her shop right for the Savannah historical district decorating contest, which she fully...
Callahan Garrity is the owner of house mouse, a cleaning service that tidies up after Atlanta's elite. She's also a former cop and a part-time sleuth. She and her coterie...
“Entirely satisfying, an expert balance of warmth and compassion, terrific supporting characters, a little steamy sex, and just enough suspense to keep you from guessing how...
“Laced with humor and a sense of place that oozes the aroma of magnolia blossoms.”—Atlanta Journal-Constitution“[A] Southern-fried...
Callahan Garrity is the owner of house mouse, a cleaning service that tidies up after Atlanta's elite. She's also a former cop and a part-time sleuth. She and her coterie...