An absorbing and compelling work of literary historical fiction, set in colonial Philadelphia, that brings to life a little-known chapter of the American Revolution—the...
Digital Barbarism
“A strange, wondrous, challenging, enriching book….Beautiful and powerful…you will not encounter another book like it.”—National Review...
Hell's Gate
When a Japanese submarine is discovered abandoned deep in the Brazilian wilderness, a smart, adventurous, and tough zoologist must derail a catastrophic plot in Hell’s...
The Bobby Gold Stories
Bobby Gold is a lovable criminal. After nearly ten years in prison, he’s no sooner out than he’s back to work breaking bones for tough guys. His turf: the club scene...
A young girl's disappearance rocks a community and a family in this stirring examination of grief, faith, justice, and the atrocities of war from Joyce Carol Oates, "one of the...