Try and picture this: You are on a new diet, but rather than feeling hungry and deprived, you are brimming with energy, and the weight is melting away. Welcome to the keto...
Lobe Frontal: Neurobiologie Du Cortex Cérébral Et Préfrontal Dans Le Cerveau Humain (french Edition)
Familiarisez-vous avec la fonction du lobe frontal. Vous apprendrez la différence entre ce lobe, le cortex préfrontal et le cortex cérébral. Aussi, les sous-thèmes seront...
Self Discipline In 10 Days: How To Succeed, Change Your Life And Stop Procrastinating
You too wake up every day with the desire to change your bad habits, with the intention of doing something that makes you feel gratified and proud of you but ... Something happens...