Three high-flying men - a barrister, a cabinet minister and a banker - are suffering from boredom. They concoct a plan to cure it. They inform three Scottish estates that they...
Three successful but bored friends in their mid-forties decide to turn to poaching. They are Sir Edward Leithen, lawyer, Tory Member of Parliament (MP), and ex-Attorney General;...
This podcast is about the journey of new Whovians tackling the journey of the 4th Doctor's run, which lasted for seven years.
Airbnb Superhost who wants to educate on the triumphs, tragedy's and general life of running a short term rental real estate company. It's completely amature but topics will cover...
The Young Visiters is a comic romance novella that parodies upper class society of late Victorian England. Social climber Alfred Salteena introduces his young lady friend Ethel to...
Os homicídios em Manaus o desenvolvimento rápido de Manaus para uma cidade de grande porte deu-se principalmente através da dispersão das indústrias na cidade, o que resulta...