"The Beat Poet Experience" is formed around the poetry and dynamism of performance artist David O'Kelly, paying more than a passing nod to the Beat Poets of the 60’s. It...
Sonny Sunshine the new Album by The Beat Poet Experience is formed around the Poetry and dynamism of performance artist David O ‘Kelly paying more than a passing nod to the Beat...
DJ Lab Experience, produzido por Gil Alves - Distribuido por Central DJ: www.centraldj.com.br
Ajudo empresários e atletas a eliminarem as interferências que os impedem de alcançar seus resultados desejados, tornando os verdadeiros vencedores, sem sacrificar em suas...
Customer Experience (CX), ou Experiência do Cliente em português é uma tema complexo, que envolve diferentes áreas da empresa e uma gestão efetiva para obtenção de...
To change your life, you must first change yourself. In a light and fluid way, the author of this book teaches the reader everything she learned in relation to the pillars Body,...
A experiência do usuário (UX) engloba todos os aspectos da interação que as pessoas costumam ter com uma marca, seus serviços e principalmente com seus canais digitais, sejam...
10K Poets is a Poet Community that offers written poetry, spoken word, publishing, promotion & other assets to poets looking to expand their work & circles.
POET AS RADIO is a weekly program on KUSF In Exile, airing Sundays from 11:30am to 12:30pm at www.savekusf.org. Jack Spicer said that the poet is not a creator, but a conduit,...