Set in fictional close-knit community of Hayslope, the novel revolves around a love rectangle between beautiful but self-absorbed Hetty Sorrel, Captain Arthur Donnithorne, the...
Adam Bede, the first novel written by George Eliot (the pen name of Mary Ann Evans), was published in 1859. The plot is founded on a story told to George Eliot by her aunt...
Welcome to the St. Bede Psalmcast, a podcast about the psalms in the Revised Common Lectionary, reading them in the context of the Sunday service and alongside the Church Fathers....
Welcome to the Bede Sisters Podcast with your host, Kay! We'll chat about knitting and country life in South Carolina.
Lilia and Jake talk about Catholic history, from saints to holidays and other random tangents. Join us as we explore different topics from almost 2,000 years of history and...
A young carpenter falls in love with the village beauty. She, however, has set her sights on a dashing army captain who's the son of the wealthy local squire. Meanwhile, a...
Comic Geek Speak Presents: Exploring Bede takes a look at the wide world of Franco-Belgian comics known as bande dessinee. It's two guys, one with bede experience and one...
Bedes Ecclesiastical History of England is a work in Latin by Bede on the history of the Christian Churches in England, and of England generally; its main focus is on the conflict...
Jonas e sua esposa Maria fizeram da selva Amazônica sua moradia, dedicando suas vidas à proteção dos animais. Maria é veterinária, e logo após a perda prematura de seu...