Este clássico da Teologia Histórica aborda a história do pensamento teológico através dos séculos. Dividindo sua obra em três grandes partes – a Era dos Pais...
Aquele que toma o caminho dos rios não olha para o que está mais ao fundo. Imagina-se em heroica singradura, no traçado das águas contidas. Não ouve as vozes das entranhas da...
A weekly book club podcast hosted by two high school friends, Sharat Buddhavarapu and Leben Tadesse. Each week we take a chapter of our current reading selection and break it down...
Bent Radio is the LGBTQ talk radio show hosted by Aurora Jonez and Mr. Suah. Bent Radio features interviews, discussion topics entertainment and community individuals worldwide...
I'll be discussing topics such as TBI rehabilitation, my love for personal fitness, my love for the search of love, and anything that pops into my head.
L.A. based music podcast highlighting the best and brightest in the world of garages. Hosted by A.A. Drew Yuen and Douglas J. Sweeney.