Esse é um mini conto onde fala a rápida historia de desespero de uma garota.Asheley Baker é Jovem escritora, seu mundo girava em torno de seus livros, mas quando Ash reencontra...
Neste livro hilariante, Jô Soares alia uma rigorosa pesquisa histórica sobre a vida no Rio de Janeiro do Segundo Reinado à sua inventividade sem fronteiras. Romance...
Betsy hopes that whoever moves into the house across the street will have a little girl just her age. And the little girl who moves in is just her age. Her name is Tacy. She is...
In a stunning follow-up to her bestselling debut, Mrs. Kimble, Jennifer Haigh returns with Baker Towers, a compelling story of love and loss in a western Pennsylvania mining town...
Welcome to the Johnathan Baker podcast, where amazing things happen to the fullest extent. I am a 19 year old African American with an education that just wants to help other with...
Wellcome to A Different Opinion On Health and Well-being. My first podcast is about who I am, my story and how I became Spiritual and Well-being teacher by age 24.... (Everything...
Três personagens históricos fascinados pelo espírito humano, na singular descrição de ZweigNo fim do século XVIII, Franz Mesmer estuda a hipnose e suas possíveis...
New episodes of The Bottom Line Tuesdays and Wednesdays, (with special UFC/MMA centered episodes on the Fridays of Fight week) with in-depth coverage across the entire world of...