Billy Summers é uma história de guerra, amor, sorte e destino, com um herói complexo buscando sua última chance de redenção. Impossível de largar e impossível de...
"O encontro estava marcado para a hora do nascer da lua.O homem tinha espáduas largas e vestia-se de negro. Era alto, quase 1,95m. Dois revólveres Colt 44 pendiam-lhe da...
Como se tornar um bom dançarino profissional e ganhar gorjetas no hotel? O que faz uma "bruxa moderna" da cidade grande? Quais são os pontos de encontro mais disputados de...
Exclusive audio interviews with ladies you may have heard of and wanted to know more about.
An audiobook done chapter by chapter in podcast form.Zach and Maria are not the healthiest people mentally. After an act of violence their paths cross and they begin to question...
The official singing competition, based loosely on American Idol. Contestants selected from the community perform songs based on a different...
Son of a debt-ridden aristocratic family, Gregory Ballaston, resorts to desperate means while travelling through China. Will his rash decision result in the corruption of all...
North America's First Ever Staging Competition of it's Kind.We are searching for that NUMBER ONE talent to be called The Best Home Stager of 2008 Beginning January 15th and...