Estoy hablando desde 1976...
Denzel Springer
Welcome world to the beginning lol... I am Denzel Springer , and I'm trying something new... keep an eye and ear out for me lol
Springer Medizin Podcast
Kongressnews, Experteninterviews und Nachrichten aus der ganzen Welt der Medizin.
Girl Talk With Brandy
Brandy is a wife, mom of 2 boys, certified Life Coach & LPC-intern. GIRL TALK with Brandy is a place for women to talk about everything and anything that impacts us. Every woman...
Smart Money With Keith Springer
Keith Springer is the author of "Surfing the Retirement Tsunami - Your guide to staying afloat and retiring comfortably" and "Facing Goliath: How to Triumph in the Dangerous...
Being Awesome With Rob Springer
Being Awesome, the show about loving Transformers and having fun! The equivalent of the stickers on your old Trapper Keeper, is an audio fanzine that Talks Transformers and...
Brandy Und Alissi 'not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman'
Zwei junge Frauen die kurz vor der 30 stehen und das Leben kritisch hinterfragen und Türen für neue Ideen öffnen. Themen die uns wichtig sind und gefallen und euch vielleicht...