Hobbes, Bruces beloved side-kick, has made history in his short seven years. Rescued by Bruce from a horrible domestic violence situation in 2009, our feisty canine staff-member...
A big guy, a little guy, and a rockstar hit the mics to talk about the hard hitting topics of today! Hilarity ensues!
Think you're smarter than Bruce Murdock? Prove it by stumping him with difficult trivia!
A presente obra foi concebida das construções de raciocínios, diálogos e discussões travadas no Grupo de Estudos do Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários – IBET de...
I talk about life and new experiences and also advice & some wisdom for people that need it.
Ive immersed myself in research thats all wrapped around the category of self development. The mental, spiritual, and physical aspects to it. For over a decade now the learning...
An engaging conversation with two individuals who openly discuss their ideas in full detail and no holds bar. Listen to the comical micro aggressions while getting a daily dose of...
Bruce Lee fez com que as artes marciais se tornassem um fenômeno global, conectando as culturas oriental e ocidental. Quase meio século após sua repentina morte, aos 32 anos de...