Na obra "Vida de Santo Antônio: sal da terra e luz do mundo", Frei Clarêncio Neotti apresenta ao leitor um rico relato biográfico da vida desse santo que é tão venerado e...
São Francisco de Assis é um dos santos mais venerados pelo povo brasileiro. Às Chagas de São Francisco é consagrado o Santuário de Canindé, no Ceará, o maior santuário...
A obra traz um estudo que analisa a relação entre modernidade e tradição, a partir da figura de Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto, principalmente no início da década de 1950,...
As Clarence Brant, President of the Robles Land Company, and husband of the rich widow of John Peyton, of the Robles Ranche, mingled with the outgoing audience of the Cosmopolitan...
Nettes Frettchen, der Podcast mit Biss. Die Themen: Politik mit Schwerpunkt D und USA, Familie, alte und neue Medien, Film, Podcasts, das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest.
BG & Nettie: OpinionatedWelcome to Opinionated, hosted by BG & Nettie. We touch on hot topics, local and national news, all while providing our opinion in a LBVS way. Enjoy!
Nettie Charles is a comedian who has a lot on her mind. Join her as she rants about anything and everything that goes on in her world and yours.
Independent radio producer based in Clarence Street, in the marine town of Dún Laoghaire, south of Dublin city centre, making factual people-centred documentaries and series, and...
insights into meditation and beyond! Enjoy the talks on subjects of mind and no mind. A practical path to grasp and use the joy of life without burdening the mind.