Livro de auto ajuda, historias reais, crianças especiais e acessibilidade
Pensada para oferecer curadoria de conteúdos sobre arquitetura, design e decoração, essa empreitada reúne as expertises da jornalista Regina Galvão, que já teve passagem por...
Let's Go Crazy will give everyone's a chance to blow up your speakers every month with Marcelo CIC ahead. The podcast gives a opportunity to show upcoming tracks from brazilian...
"Al escuchar el nombre de Richard Steel su corazón comenzó a latir intensamente: claro que le iba a encantar conocerlo. De hecho, ya lo conocía. Él era mayor que ella. Para...
This is a podcast about education and my attempt to use classroom 2.0 tools in my classroom. I examine topics that often go unmentioned in education classes, professional...
To Talk Turkey is to talk business! Interesting professionals in the industry get to give their insights about life, tell stories about their journey and give a word of motivation
Distilled from a year's worth of off-kilter conversation between two fledgling PhD students, Talking Turkey offers all flap and no flight. Equal parts absurd and insightful.
“Um relato preciso e doloroso sobre o surgimento, a queda e a reclusão de Syd... A história de Syd é contada com empatia e compreensão.” – Vox “Resultado de uma...