a japanese voice.
Debbie Aldrich
Political Pundit, studied journalism, world traveler, Blogger, lived in EU & Middle East for 13yrs (including sharia Law for 4yrs) CPAC, CUFI, Founder PatriotsUnite501c(3)
Debbie Louise Cannon's Podcast
Transcending - Empowering people to fulfill their true potential and align themselves with their true self.
Being Overtly Debbie Podcast
I started this podcast because I felt I had a story to tell. As an incest survivor, I wanted others to know that life does not suddenly become great because abuse ends; but that...
Debbie Benstein's Marketing Morsels
Bite-size business building using practical, actionable marketing to help small businesses grow.
Um Lugar À Beira-mar
""Annie o encarou, certa de que os olhos vermelhos revelariam sua angústia. Sem dizer nada, Keaton se sentou perto dela e sua presença a envolveu, lembrando-a de como ele era...