Antologia Poética, onde estão reunidos escritores de varias vertentes e amigos com sonhos comuns, que é levar o bom e o belo em forma poetica para quem ama a poesia
Os Amigos Do Emir
Sinopse: Os AMIGOS DO EMIR II... É uma Coletânea Especial para comemorar o nono aniversário do Clube do Emir Onde reúne a pluralidade de estilos com 17 autores Unidos na...
The Enemy Of Mankind & The Power Of Lies: A Sociopolitical & Religious Look At The World & Where It Is Headed, With Respect To The Actions Of A Small Group Of Extremely Dangerous & Ambitious People.
A Sociopolitical & Religious look at the world & where it is headed, with respect to the actions of a small group of extremely dangerous & ambitious people.THE CONSTITUTION & THE...
Defeating Suicide: Finding The Strength To Forge Ahead
Defeating suicide is a book designed to help those struggling with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, rejection & abuse to find the strength within themselves to forge...