The Gondola, takes on the hockey world with reports on the latest hockey news, stats, playoffs and anything to do with hockey. Host Daniel Constantineau, reacts to hockeys biggest...
The beautiful but innocent Paolina Mansfield almost loses her life when the ship that she is a passenger on is tragically wrecked in a storm off the coast of Italy. All aboard,...
Nelle acque scure e limacciose della Laguna viene rispescato il cadavere di un distinto signore. Nelle sue tasche solo una placca da mille del Casinò municipale. È...
A Coleção Filhotes Travessos contém 12 histórias totalmente rimadas, tocantes e bem-humoradas sobre os valores e ensinamentos da vida. Nesse conto: Lagarta Gonsala
O último dos três Grandes Contos Perdidos do legendário de J.R.R.Tolkien narra a jornada de Tuor rumo à cidade secreta de Gondolin, refúgio élfico do povo do Rei Turgon....
This book, whose origin lies on a series of webinars presentedin 2020, has been edited in love and reverence to the Masters that have beenenlightening my journey as a human being,...
Con motivo del tercer centenario de Luis de Góngora, Federico García Lorca dio a sus compañeros de la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid una conferencia en el marco de los...
As the title reveals, these stories are a collection of some of Mark Twains more fanciful and eccentric works. They run the gamut from political commentary to our species need to...