Meu tema: as várias formas de uma postulada dicotomia de fundo, nós e eles. Aconteceu a qualquer pessoa pensar que seria oportuno equacionar aquestão assim: precisamente...
Neste ensaio, a islamista Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti se propõe a examinar, partindo daepígrafe "longing for home", do livro de Svetlana Boym, e do conceito de nostalgia por...
Join Carter and Luke as they embark on a powerful journey. Tune in as they just talk to talk.
Keeping you third eye strong with stories, legends, and conspiracies from the fringe.
Celebrating golf on Long Island every Saturday at 8AM on Long Island's WGBB 1240AM.
Your nonstandard blend of irrespective & regardless A LIVE internet show, where the host loves to joke, laugh and interview talented people who have something (or nothing) to say...
a podcast that focuses on sports, pop culture, entertainment, music, and whatever happens to pop into Lindsey Brown's head that day. safe from judgement not critical thinking