Neste conto iremos acompanhar o jovem Alan que está indo de encontro a sua amada Juded. Eles marcaram de se encontrar após a janta, o encontro seria na praça central da cidade,...
"Com uma energia equiparável à de uma criança de colo e uma boca mais suja do que um bueiro, Hazel geralmente intimida e assusta qualquer homem à sua volta, a ponto de eles...
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Do autor do best-seller internacional A garota na teia de aranha, quarto volume da série Millennium, um thriller fascinante que parte do suicídio do gênio matemático Alan...
News, views, features and interviews from Reedley College Student Journalists and others.
Sermon audio from Hazel Creek Free Will Baptist Church, located in Kirksville, MO
Dream Chant is discoverd by Strephon Kaplan-Williams from his work with the harmonium of India. Just like in dreaming you allow yourself to go into a gentle trance state in which...
A weekly podcast about young adult literature, their filmic adaptations and everything in between.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.The past and future...