Entre botânicas decoloniais: as frutas silvestres de Henry David Thoreau e frutas brasileiras reúne três traduções inéditas de textos botânicos de Thoreau, um...
Na madrugada de 8 de março de 2021, o menino Henry Borel chegou à emergência de um hospital do Rio sem respirar e com o corpo gelado. Foi levado pela mãe, Monique Medeiros, e...
The musings of Olympicthunder in the cloud. Here in this podcast were in the aether sharing concepts ideas. On twitch @olympicthunder
Cloud 9 is a podcast featuring JaianMusic, GoProKyo and Hotshot Ginger where they discuss nerd and geek culture topics on a monthly basis. Come aboard and listen to their crazy...
Robin Copple talks to himself about awesome and beautiful things in the world (plus a lot of other stuff).
I'm here to talk about hot topics across the board, push limits, shake traditions, broaden perspectives and to challenge the norms. Connecting REAL life with REAL people.
A cloud-based collaboration between two kindred, feminist-rich spirits. Our podcast reclaims the word pussy and all of its ugly connotation. Listen as we discuss what its like...
Cloud Unfiltered is a series of interviews with the people that are working to move cloud technology and implementation forward. This includes everyone from software engineers and...