The northern English sea coast provides a compelling backdrop for this genre of writing; a mysterious disappearance, a love interest, and plot twists se mijotent to produce an...
A quiet cathedral town in England, full of gossips and people who are not quite who they seem to be, is the setting for this murder mystery. (Summary by Gesine)
This classic mystery produces its first dead body during a clandestine midnight meeting. Already nothing is what it seems... (Summary by Gesine)
Marshall Allerdyke is driving through the night from London to Hull in response to an urgent telegram from his cousin. As he nears Hull, a beautiful woman stops his car to ask for...
A habitual late night stroll down Markendale Square plunges Viner into the middle of things most mysterious and most perplexing. A murder, an imposter, secret papers, all combine...
The dead body of a man is found on the steps to some chambers of Middle Temple Lane, near Londons law courts. A journalist and a young lawyer start investigating. - This classic...
Ao iniciar um novo ano escolar, Kerolayne Masey pensava que tudo seria igual, mas ao ser arrastada para uma festa por seus amigos e presenciar a morte de uma de suas colegas de...
Como jamais visto na história da imprensa até entăo, Émile Zola (1840-1902) mobilizou a opiniăo pública francesa para tentar corrigir uma das maiores injustiças cometidas...
O que você faz quando está abatido? Quando olha o infinito do céu pálido nogrande inverno, ou quando chega o verão, e o frio entorpece a alma? O que pensar douniverso quando...