Jamie Dornan dará vida a Mr. Grey na adaptação cinematográfica tão esperada de Cinquenta tons de cinza. Ganhador do prêmio The Vertu Breakthrough Award, o primeiro de sua...
Gerard Mclean
Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter. Gerard McLean is a humor essayist disguised as a writer. As of the publication...
Mclean Ministries
Our vision is for the church to experience the fullness of Redemption through Christ in every phase of life.
Dr. Renny Mclean
Apostle Renny McLean has been defined by his peers as one of the most prolific and prophetic voices for the nation. London born, Jewish and Jamaican decent, Apostle McLean was...
Jamie Dorrington
Represented By JLA Talent Contact- http://jamielomasassociates.com Over the last 14 years Jamie has firmly established himself as an accomplished and respected Actor & DJ in the...