John Dewey (1859-1952) é um intelectual extremamente reconhecido na área acadêmica que desenvolveu vários trabalhos em diversas áreas de conhecimento, em especial na...
A obra faz uma releitura da obra clássica de John Dewey “Democracia e Educação”, e traz reflexões que, a partir dessa releitura, problematizam temas atuais da Educação.
Jennifer Nascimento conta tudo sobre as fases das suas madeixas
By harmonizing the four Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- we will study the life of Christ in chronological order, from the first utterances of the angels heralding His...
Being a single, unmarried mother at seventeen during the 1920s was not excepted.
Writer and artist Jennifer Juan reflects on her romantic adventures, and how they relate to the work she creates. You can find out more about Jennifer by visiting
Are YOU a Business Woman yearning to be empowered by the Essence of the Warrior Queen Confident | Decisive | In Charge NO MATTER WHAT?...........A Warrior Queen inspires others...