Filled with descriptions of the magnificent Swiss Alps, the lives of the simple country folk who live in their picturesque peaks and valleys and the gentle and innocent days of...
The story of a little girl in the village of Wildbach, who loved the roses, and how spreading both her roses and her love touched the hearts of the villagers. (Summary by Daryl...
Uma jovem viúva. Um guerreiro escocês fascinante. Duas vidas transformadas pelo amor e por uma paixão avassaladora. Quando Lady Johanna soube que estava viúva, ela prometeu...
Heidi takes us on a journey to the eventful childhood of a good-hearted girl from the Swiss Alps. A warm and loving story, full of touching moments, it reaches children and adults...
Old Mary Ann has done her best to bring up her son on her own. Like other relatives, her son has a longing to travel off over the mountains. Mary Ann goes with him. Later on her...